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New Moon Wishes

At New Moon, the Sun and Moon come together and conjunct in the sky. The beginning of the lunar cycle. The dark phase of the Moon. A powerful time to slow down, get comfortable and allow space to dream and explore what you’d really love in your life. This dreaming weaves itself through your life and gently the process of transformation unfolds. Beautifully. The power of manifestation is amazing.

We highly recommend working with the Moon’s moonthly cycle. We’ve been working with New Moon wishes for many years now and feel blessed to be living a life that we’ve literally dreamed into reality.

For centuries, farmers have used the cycles of the Moon to determine the best times to sow and harvest their plants. Timing is important. The New Moon energy promotes strong new beginnings and good growth. The perfect time to plant those metaphorical seeds.

Our Astro MOON DIARY gives you space to write your wishes down at each New Moon.

It’s not about making things happen

Wishing evokes surrender and does not require will power. It’s important to accept our reality and to celebrate our abundance. By making New Moon Wishes, you’re harnessing the magnetic power of receptivity to attract your desires to you. This process works with vibration and is heart and feeling based. Once you’ve written your wish down, check in with your intuition to assess whether it feels right and change the wording if needed.



  • make your wishes AFTER the exact time of the New Moon when the energy has changed from the balsamic energy of completion to the new energy of beginnings.
  • most potent time to make your wishes is up to 8 hours AFTER the time of the New Moon but they can be made up to 48 hours later.
  • if the Moon is void wait until she moves into the next sign. Our Astro MOON DIARY clearly states when the Void of Moon occurs.
  • keep repeating wishes until they become true.
  • state wishes in positive terms being clear about what you DO want rather than what you don’t want.
  • wishes are best handwritten – something magical flows through you that doesn’t happen when typing.
  • use the words that most suit you.
  • write more than one wish and less than ten. It’s very potent to create a number of wishes for one area of your life coming at it from different directions.
  • write your wishes down at every New Moon as some will be more potent for you than others, depending on your own individual astrological birth chart. If you wish at every New Moon, you will be certain to catch the most potent times for you.
  • do not make wishes that affect other people’s behaviour, however altruistic they may be. Instead, take a deeper look at what you really want without limiting your focus onto one person’s behaviour. Make wishes about your own behaviour or approach to a situation which might, in turn, have an effect on other people’s behaviour.
  • if your New Moon Wish does not materialise, reflect on whether your wish serves the higher good and supports the best outcome. Other changes may need to happen before your wish can come true. Be patient. Some wishes take longer than others to manifest.

Here are some examples:
I easily write my wishes at New Moon.
I easily find myself being attracted to ………
I am manifesting financial abundance.
I am confidently stepping into my new career path.
I wish to create a Moon Diary that includes…
I will find the right house for me..

This is a powerful process to do on your own and equally you may want to link up with your partner, a friend or a group of friends who would like to journey with you. It’s great to share your dreams and visions.