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Blue Moon

The second full Moon in the month has commonly become named a ‘Blue Moon’. However, this term is not used correctly and was originally published as a mistake by an amateur astronomer. It has become populary adopted but is totally different to the astronomical Blue Moon.

Astronomical Blue Moon

Describes the third of four full Moons which fall within one of the Earth’s seasons:

Winter – between winter solstice and spring equinox
Spring – between spring equinox and summer solstice
Summer – between summer solstice and autumn equinox
Autumn – between autumn equinox and winter solstice

In early almanacs, the sequence of full Moons through the year were assigned names according to the seasons in which they fall. For example, the first full Moon of summer was called the Early Summer Moon, the second was the Midsummer Moon, and the last the Late Summer Moon. Usually only three names are needed for the full Moons in each season. If a fourth full Moon fell within the same season, one of them was left without a name. This additional full Moon was named the Blue Moon – this would be the third of the four full Moons.

Astronomical Blue Moon

The first and the last Full Moon of the season will be near the solstice or equinox.

Popular Blue Moon

Two Full Moons in one month which will be at the beginning and the end of the month.

Sometimes, we have a Blue Moon Eclipse or a Super Blue Moon. At these times the media and press get very excited about something that was originally a mistake! Just reminding us to question the validity of the information we are given via the media!

Black Moon

The Black Moon is the term given to the third of four New Moons in a seasons – just like a Blue Moon (Full) but a Black Moon (New)