New Moon in Virgo 15th September 02:40 (BST)
Full Moon in Aries 29th September
The New Moon in Virgo occurs at 21 degrees and 59 minutes of the sign. This is a gentle and supportive energy that will allow us to feel our way to solutions posed by the issues we feel around us. The New Moon is freeing you from unnecessary fretting and worrying about what you cannot control. This Virgo energy is supportive and offers a healing hand to you. When the Moon is in Virgo, we are analytical. Our wisdom is based on the reality before us. Virgo is helping us to sort through our emotions one by one and see through the complicated layers of our existence to see what really matters. The seeds of good intent and positivity are ready to be nurtured into existence in your life.
The last push of Mercury moving retrograde in Virgo is bringing up questions for us all around our health and our vitality. We are being given the chance to reflect on what is going well and what areas of our lives we need to work on, in order to meet our real potential. It is time to revisit the ideas and plans you have made throughout the year so far and see them with a fresh, discerning eye. Mercury retrograde is revealing to you the reality of what is possible. There will be gems of wisdom and plans which you can act upon that you may have forgotten all about. You can also choose to release any connection to negative thoughts or emotional patterns which are not bringing positivity or wellbeing into your world. Think of this process like clearing your emotional clutter from the attic. If you can take the time to unpack anything you have boxed away you can choose to let it go with dignity and grace, or to breathe new life into what you find. Breathe new life into things which may still inspire you. Take your time and allow the dust to clear before making any decisions. Move slowly. Notice how you feel and note the thoughts that come to you.
The New Moon is making positive trine connections with Uranus and Jupiter, both in Taurus. This earthly energy, steady and determined, with reality at the core, is offering you the practical support you need to set powerful new intentions. There are great surprises arising for you through this harmonious flow. You may yet find practical support in an unexpected place and opportunities for new starts will be growing for you too. This is great energy for overhauling outdated connections to people or situations which no longer serve your purpose. Ask yourself what in your life is bringing you positivity… Which of your attachments are supporting your progress? What is giving you a sense of peace? This healing harmonisation is allowing you to let go of anything that is not working in your favour. Clear space to allow new energy to flow that works for you, not against you.
There is an opposition between the Moon and Neptune. Anything you have been clinging to or felt that you needed to uphold as an ideal is being challenged through this aspect. You are being asked by the cosmos to realise what it is you need and to see clearly the reality of your circumstances. This is not about letting go of your dreams but breaking free from feeling pulled into any abyss of self doubt. Pay attention to what comes through to you in your dreams through this period. Your intuition is calling to you. There may be strong emotions and feelings of anxiety and worry for you to work through. This is a challenge for you to find yourself whole. Choose to embrace your fullest potential. Believe in yourself. You do not need saving. You do not need to expend energy rescuing anybody or anything that you may feel slipping from you. Anything meant to be, will make its way back to you when you are ready for it. Focus instead on taking control over what you CAN influence, no matter how small. Start new routines that you have been putting off, especially if they demand that you take time for yourself.
A trine between the Virgo New Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, is lending further support to transform anything you set your mind to. The intentions you set are infused with the power to heal your past and your future. This energy is a gift. By releasing yourself from your mind and connecting with your inner wisdom you can be present now and truly realise your own power.
New goals and intentions for your wellbeing are of crucial importance under the energy of this New Moon. We are being supported to focus on how we can best help ourselves and those around us. Whatever has been difficult and tangled, can be smoothed out through this New Moon energy. Step by step, she is asking us to consider exactly what it is that has not been right and to simply, calmly, amend this. Adjust the systems you have in place in your life that are not serving you. If you feel lost to disorganised chaos, or that you have been swept up into the hedonism of Leo Season and you are still paying the price for any recent partying, take one small step towards decluttering your mind through sorting out your physical environment. Detox your mindset by cleansing your body. Release any tension by stretching yourself out and breathing. By listening to what your body needs and choosing good for yourself, you can find your soul fulfilled.
Guided Meditation:
Watch, in your mind’s eye, a garden growing. It does not happen all at once. Nor does it have a to do list, set out in front of it. Plants do not need to know exactly what is around the corner, they simply grow. If the light moves, or the conditions change, they find themselves twisting, slowly towards the light. Nature moves at different speeds, but it is never in a hurry. The earth knows that there is no reason to worry. You have nothing to worry about. You can let go. Let go of the need to control the ebbs and flows of life. Let go of the need to know what will happen next, and what is waiting around the corner. Right now, in this moment, you are being held by the earth. Feel the ground beneath you, steady. You can let go of the need to follow a plan. This earth is holding you safe and reminding you of home. You are at home within yourself. You are accepted, just as you are. You are loved. You are safe. You are here. Nothing else matters. Your past is being healed by new growth. Nature does not doubt itself or worry it is not enough. You are enough. Let this Virgo New Moon energy soothe you. Feel your worry and anxiety slip from you and be absorbed by the earth. You are being held, secure. Open up your hand. You see a tiny, perfect seed. It is ready to grow. Plant it now, gently. The seeds of your future are being nurtured by the same warm earth that holds you.
Jemima Cainer
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