New Moon in Scorpio 13th November 09:27
Full Moon in Gemini 27th November
The New Moon on the 13th of November is at 20 degrees and 44 minutes of Scorpio.
What do you find yourself unexpectedly clinging to? Why is it so hard to let go? The conjunction between the Sun, Moon and Mars in Scorpio is intensifying the Scorpionic demand for honesty. The confrontation that this New Moon is pushing for is not an outward show of aggression but a chance to push yourself to the limits of understanding your innermost desires and the needs of your soul. Each layer peeled back reveals another, bringing us closer and closer to the beauty of the truth.
We all have our own version of the truth. We all see the world around us through a lens coloured by our unique experience. This is not about being wrong or right, it is about releasing ourselves from the obligation of upholding processes in our lives which no longer work. There is no glory to be found in clinging to emotional clutter which prevents us from growing to our potential. In this chart, the influence of the opposition to Uranus (in Taurus) is symbolic of the tension between reaching a place of freedom and sacrificing the desire for revenge. This is a challenge, choose to fight your right for wholeness or go with the impulse to self-destruct. Sometimes, we are forced into a place where to fight would be to ‘cut off our nose to spite our face’. Rebellion is not always an act of defiant protest. The greatest way to rebel in a world filled with pain beyond our means of influence is to insist on purity of our own consciousness. To remain free. To breakthrough not with force but by holding a light of scrutiny to ourselves, promising to do better, and to hold a light of kindness.
The sign of Scorpio has long been associated with secrecy. This is a little unfair. It is not secrets that are being carried by this New Moon but truths which are being exposed. The truth is that no matter how strong we are, we always have vulnerability too. Real strength is not in perfecting the ability to control how we are perceived, but in the way we navigate the world with integrity. Accepting our flaws as we celebrate our success. In accepting ourselves for who we are, we are accepting the darkness, the mistakes, the agony of hearts broken and hard times, together with the light that we shine.
Scorpio is also associated with vengeance. This New Moon’s conjunction with Mars, Scorpio’s first ruler, is a powerful omen. There is an energy brewing that speaks of taking back our strength, reclaiming power and overturning any odds which may have left us feeling wrecked and gutted before. This is a resurgence of passion. A chance to remember who you are, and to set intentions to do more of what you truly hunger for. The focus of this New Moon is intense. There is the opportunity for deep inner work and transformative steps to take. Connecting with your sacral chakra will allow you to let out what has been buried and is now ready to be set free.
The energy associated with Scorpio also represents profound healing. How can this alignment of planets, intense in their connections, stir up both the potential for violence and healing? By exposing the pain and suffering we all encounter in this life, we allow the light to reach in. Only through processing, through feeling and working through, can history and hurt be truly released. There is a reason why so often we are told to release and let go, again and again. Every layer soothed, every wound salved reveals another to be nurtured. But by doing the work, infused by Scorpio’s resilience and refusal to give up, we can bring ourselves through to consciousness. This, in itself, may feel difficult. To be aware of just how powerless we may feel on this planet. This New Moon offers you a chance to reclaim your own power. To honour the choices which ultimately free you, no matter how difficult they may be. The energy of this Moon is supporting you to make promises which are important to keep.
Neptune, the ruler of dreams, is in the sign of Pisces representing ideals and compassion. A trine between Neptune and the Moon conjunct Sun is supporting the opportunity to go deeper within, immersing ourselves in a place of healing. The journey inwards to discover self love is powerful. If you can show yourself kindness, you can generate this energy back into the world. No matter how dark things get, or how lost we feel, the luminaries of the cosmos in their eternal dance are a reminder that there is always hope.
Imagine yourself surrounded by leaping flames. You are comfortably warm, in the centre of a ring of beautiful fire. You have control over the flames. You are at one with the circle of light that surrounds you. With one movement of your hand, you can turn them up or down as easily as adjusting the temperature on a cooker. The flames around you protect you. They keep you safe, enveloped in light. Their warmth reminds you that you are deeply and passionately loved. Their fierce flame offers you the protection you need. Here in the circle, you are in control. The fire serves another purpose too… Those beautiful flames are warming the earth and breathing life and energy back into you. They are encouraging you to plant new growth, to try out new ideas and they give you the strength to carry the difficulties of life forward. As you watch their beauty, allow yourself to accept the light into you. There is nothing that you cannot handle. There is no challenge that cannot be overcome. You are the energy of resurgence and strength. Here, in this moment, the flames of protection empower you to step from this place of safety, rebirthed. Like a phoenix, you emerge and stretch your wings. You are enough. You are safe. You are purposeful and alert. You are aware of everything around you, and at peace with anything which is beyond your control.
Jemima Cainer
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