New Moon in Pisces 2nd March 17:35 (GMT)
Full Moon in Virgo 18th March
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Roald Dahl
I, the New Moon, sit calmly in Pisces – Sun and Moon merged. On my right – 2 degrees away – is Jupiter and, 8 degrees further on, is Neptune. ‘Now’ is the distillation of a rare perfume, placed in Pisces, suspended like a drop of dew above the Earth on the bright leaf of a serene moment within the storm – or perhaps this is the hush before a downpour of rain. Within this quiet, potent moment – even as the New Moon sits tightly sextile Uranus in Taurus – I feign no awareness of agitation around me. Although Saturn is conjunct Mercury in Aquarius and Venus conjunct Mars and Pluto in Capricorn, this moment is silent and still. As the lunar month progresses, other factors will inevitably play their part in the ongoing story and will mumble their stories increasingly loudly – for this moment, we cannot hear them. Nothing matters except the magical potency and potential of now.
As the wounded world continues to groan, scream – and laugh a little at its own absurdity – this New Moon brings again another opportunity for new awareness and new approaches to the present. In contrast, Chiron in Aries, stands 30 degrees away from Uranus (semi sextile) and we become acutely more aware of the suffering of some. Under the influence of Pisces, we become increasingly tuned in to the physical and mental health of the collective consciousness. The New Moon radiates love in assistance and the Earth receives a sense of divine purpose from the cosmos. We must accept the possibility that there might well be positive outcomes to the various sagas that occur around us and trust that, whatever we believe the Great Spirit to be, she is doing her work!
Pisces energy is full of light, love and magic. It is a Mutable Water sign ruled by Neptune, both emotional and spiritual – with one foot on the earth and the other amongst the stars. It is hugely creative, being the sign of dreamers, artists, musicians and imaginative manifesters of all sorts. Within the energy, anything and everything becomes suddenly possible. Conjunct Jupiter and Neptune, every dream, however unlikely, can potentially come true. So we can dream fantastic dreams into manifestation and our magic wands can be waved with purpose and chutzpah. Yes, Piscean energy can sometimes seem nebulous and devoid of either substance or direction at times – but it always presents the potential to create a mysterious energy that flows and sparkles between all living things, binding us together within a divine context where new seeds, ideas and impulses can flourish and grow.
Increased spiritual awareness reaches forwards from the New Moon conjunct Jupiter and Neptune towards the spring equinox on 20th March and onwards to the moment when Jupiter and Neptune become exactly conjunct on 12th April. Not only does the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune create heightened spirituality – but, physically, it’s also likely to manifest more water-based events such as flooding, caused by increased rainfall or sea level surges. The Sun conjuncts Jupiter on 5th March and Neptune on the 13th. On the 6th, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius together. It’s potentially an intensely creative time in terms of the development of our personal and collective spiritual awareness. Emotions will be heightened and are likely to be running fast and, perhaps, furious.
Jupiter is concerned with power, justice, human rights, truth, freedom – and idealism too. With Saturn closely conjunct Mercury in the sign of Aquarius at the time of New Moon, there might possibly be attempts to further control movement and to restrict freedom of communications – perhaps involving internet activity. However, as a general awareness and increasing sense of justice becomes more acute over the next few weeks, I feel that whatever the agendas of some groups of people might be, attempts at ‘power grabs’ are unlikely to work well for them.
Venus, Mars and Pluto are closely conjunct in the last, powerful degrees of Capricorn. This suggests supercharged expressions of power and energy that emerge from individual concepts of truth, fairness and balance, whether or not some of those concepts are delusional or not. This is fierce, aggressive, warrior-like energy and it’s possible that outbreaks of fighting and conflict could be part of the picture. Many could also feel empowered to organise protests against restrictions and what they see as extreme unfairness. This is a time when feelings will be made very public. The tight sextile between the New Moon and Uranus precludes that people will exercise their rights to freedom of speech and, if stopped from doing so, will find alternative ways to express their opinions. If we connect these tendences with current issues such as the situation in the Ukraine, the handling of the pandemic, human rights issues, and even issues being created by global weather, it becomes obvious that the next few weeks are likely to be tumultuous and life changing. Crisis is usually inevitable before clarity and peace can be reached!
The Venus/Mars/Pluto stellium is trine the North Node and sextile the South Node. We are still adjusting to the different emphasis caused by the changes of the nodal axis from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio – from placements in air signs to earth signs. Earthy, practical activity based on truth and reality is becoming preferable to airy mind-based meanderings. Secrets involving the corruption of wealth and deviant sexual activity will continue to fly out of the cupboards they’ve been hiding in for years as the world adjusts. The South Node in Scorpio is trine Neptune in Pisces. Past paradigms are dissolving and new ones are seeding and starting to grow. This New Moon brings with it a promise of spring.
On a personal level, we can ramp up our expectations for the future and trust in the energy of another opportunity for a new start. Such is the potency of the energy of this New Moon, that we can be confident that our intentions and aspirations will ‘have legs’ and will be fired with increased dynamism. We seek our own truth, power and independence – as opposed to relying on the integrity of those who wield power around us. We can allow ourselves the luxury of becoming more idealistic and of finding, contacting and surrounding ourselves by tribes of like minds!
We need to choose our wishes and intentions for the approaching New Moon in Pisces carefully and mindfully. Here are some suggestions to contemplate:
Remember – magic is at work!
It feels as if nothing is ‘as it was’ and perhaps we are still awakening and adjusting to the concept that this is not necessarily a bad thing! Trust in the magic of this moment, however absurd any outbursts of violence might seem around us. And that they will pass. We have the choice to believe that the Universe has already dreamed good dreams for us and intends positivity for the future of the Earth and all living things. We are on our way there.
Affirmation: I surround myself in a shield of Love, Truth, Strength, Integrity and Light. May I radiate these qualities outwards into the world…. Ho!
Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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