The New Moon is on February 26th at 14:58
Hopefully, we can use the strength and power of this New Moon in Pisces to heal the mayhem surrounding us. This is a very special New Moon, taking place within five minutes of an annular Solar Eclipse. This intense energy beams on us bringing with it the energy of Neptune (conjunct the New Moon), ruler of Pisces. Traditionally, Neptune is the significator of prayer and meditation, urging us to focus collectively towards finding ways to bring order to the present chaos of emotions and disharmony. The energy of the twelfth sign of Pisces, represents the most evolved and aware we can become on earth. We need to be! Together, the combination of Solar Eclipse, New Moon in Pisces and Neptune is perhaps the ‘Divine Intervention’ we desperately need! Solutions to the effects of recent big, worldwide events have seemed, so far, illusive!
This New Moon in Pisces will hopefully increase global awareness that, everything we do, both negative and positive, affects others. The image is of two fishes, joined – but pulling in opposite directions – within a huge, free flowing body of water. The result is that they will either stay in the same place or be wafted here and there at random despite their individual attempts to move decisively! Transfer this image to the astrological stance of the heavens surrounding us on 26th February and it’s probable that mankind will experience emotional dilemmas on a grand scale! We will question our concepts of ‘right and wrong’ – our morality. Piscean energy traditionally is believed to have one foot in the spiritual and one foot planted on the earth. We might be questioning our safety, our vantage point and our stance in relationship to the rest of humanity.
A core question is whether we should detach from that other fish (our indecision and reliance on others perhaps?) and whether we are able to move independently within that ‘sea of humanity’. Should we, once detached, simply follow the nearest shoal – or not? We are emotionally and spiritually aware of our connections all this month whether or not we feel comfortable with that! Perhaps it’s a good idea to use the dream-like and meditative space, before the lunar month begins, to establish our present place within this sea and to visualise what might come next. The intense combination of the New Moon in Pisces and the Solar Eclipse together could be a Cosmic gift towards energising a movement for change.
But before the energy gets going, there is a stillness here and time to meditate and set intentions. Here are some questions to consider before the energy of this New Moon in Pisces floats in (like a benevolent tsunami!) on the 26th February at 2.58pm:
Pisces is a water sign, representative of the energies of emotions, the breaking down of barriers, of sensitivity and creativity. There is also a sense of duplicity in allowing the concept of ‘knowing’ and ‘not knowing’ to exist at the same time. Pisces flows, sometimes seeming to absent itself completely and then to surround us with swirling emotion and a sense of the spiritual and creative. It is Mutable, causing it to adjust, be flexible and move with energy within ourselves and outside us. Pisces holds the energy of being part of the world but sometimes seeming to be not ‘of it’ at the same time. There is generally a heightened flow of instinct and awareness and an injection of creativity and inspiration.
It seems sometimes that a percentage of the world is determinedly unaware of the meaning of true spirituality and compassion at the moment. On the 26th February, the stellium in Pisces is also joined by Chiron, bringing into focus those who are wounded or need help to heal. We are experiencing widespread confusion and fear together with a jangled communication of opinions. Consequently some of us have difficulty in understanding new and sudden laws and legislations (Mercury in Pisces). ‘False news’ and ‘half truths’ seem rampant and the ‘Big Fish’ that are in control of the direction in which the shoal moves seem unreliable and sometimes confused themselves! Many of us have presumed until now that the leader of a shoal knows where he/she is going. Some of us are now not so sure and feel vulnerable! Some, however, rather than complain, find it easier to ‘go with the flow’, whichever direction they appear to be led! Confusion, argument and division!
We are surrounded by insecurity which inevitably leads to an overspill of emotions. Many people are finding themselves having to relocate. There are huge movements of refugees and an urgent need for some genuine empathy and compassion – all Piscean qualities. We are all affected by the obvious desperation, fear, vulnerability and misery caused by war. We may find it difficult to separate ourselves from this. We may detach completely. Are our ‘leaders’ fully aware that rampant emotional confusion potentially affects us all, I wonder?
Uranus, at the time of the New Moon, is also conjunct Mars. This can indicate sudden fierce and unusual decisions – and flash rebellions. The likelihood of rampant aggressive behaviour being resolved swiftly and happily seems slim within the imminent lunar month. However, there are indications that there could be an abundance of sensible ideas to resolve present confusion. (New Moon opposite the North Node in practical Virgo). On another positive note, nothing within this foggy Piscean environment is likely to be exactly as it seemed at first. We are forced to embrace the present situation of ‘Great Unknowing’ – while it lasts! It might be good to remember as we progress through this month that we move towards the decisiveness of Aries. Hoorah!
It may become important, however, to remember that being open to the emotions of others can also mean being open to negativity, others’ delusions and their lack of empathy. We may have difficulty in separating other people’s feelings from our own during this lunar month of the Pisces New Moon and to be wondering: Who can I trust? Is my private information safe? Where are my boundaries? Global paranoia abounds! The boundaries between ‘us and them’ (of whatever race, religion, class, politics) are thinner. Hopefully this will increase an awareness of the need for compassion and generosity towards those who are obviously ‘different’ in their views from us. However, increased sensitivity to others and a growing awareness of mutual responsibility towards all people can only be ultimately good. We can’t underestimate the significance of any decisions we make or actions that we do at this time!
So, for protection and sanity, during the coming month – as well as before it begins – we can take time to occasionally separate from others, recharge our batteries, process and find some peace. Pisces energy teaches the necessity to be willing to sacrifice ourselves for others at times but it also teaches us to physically detach. The Dance of the Universe reflects both positive and negative patterns within us. The history of this time will tell an interesting story.
Let’s attempt to embrace the ‘unknown’ in the month beginning on the 26th February! We must perhaps accept that previously known concepts and structures are in question! Despite the dilemmas of this moment, there is hidden within it a beautiful, positive energy that encourages increased awareness and creativity. Here is an angelic ‘lightness’ to be found within our dreams. All that has to be good! We’ll meditate for ‘divine intervention’, be open to our visions and to the wisdom that will inevitably come.
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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