New Moon in Pisces – 17th March 13:11 (BST)
Full Moon in Libra, 31st March 2018
Who and where am I at this moment in time? I’m uncertain. Many things in my life within me and outside me seem confused and somehow vague – as if I see everything and everybody through a thick mist.
Perhaps it’s best to stand still and wait until the picture is clearer before we move. We can stand still, observe and use the time to imagine, dream and explore our inner and outer worlds. We can attempt to tune into the still places where our souls exist. Perhaps we can access a greater knowledge than that we perceive in the physical world. These are unusual and mysterious times that call for the raising of ourselves into higher states of being. We can escape within our own imaginations and visions. The new Moon in Pisces on the 17th focusses our attention on the nebulous nature of life.
The image is of a young girl – a sea nymph. She sits on a rock by the shore and dreams. She stares out across the ocean, attempting to make sense of the shapes that move within the mist. She is sensitive. She imagines, plans and creates her own vision – projecting them onto the sea’s surface. They reflect back at her. She looks into the mysteries concealed in the depths of the ocean. Sometimes she stands with one foot on shore and one in the sea and it seems as if her head is the dark sky, surrounded by stars. Her spirit flows this way and that, sometimes removing her from her physical body. The ‘absence’ reminds us of our own need for contemplation. She feels the ebbs and flows of her emotions. She connects with the collective consciousness of which we are all a part.
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, watery, feminine and ruled by Neptune. She’s a mutable sign of changing moods – from compassion and love to despair. The new Moon in Pisces adjusts her energy to the circumstances around her. Positively, she encourages creativity, compassion, vision and increased access to altered states of all kinds. She reminds us that we are spiritual as well as physical. More negatively, she encourages unrealistic escapism, emotional imbalance and addiction. She can make us feel so lethargic that we either feel we ‘can’t be bothered’ or feel that there is ‘no point’. We forget what is real and what is unreal. Energy levels may seem depleted.
This new Moon is astrologically flanked on one side by Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, and on the other, by Chiron – the ‘wounded healer’. It makes a challenging aspect to the North Node, is trine Jupiter in Scorpio and square to Mars in Sagittarius. These aspects might be catalysts that encourage healing on a global scale. There could be an awakening in awareness of the reality of the victimisation of some people that has seemed ‘acceptable’ until now. Here’s an opportunity to manifest our greatest desires and most positive dreams. We may collectively (and individually) accept the need for change and we might find it easier to connect with others. The spring equinox, when the Sun ingresses into Aries on 20th March this year, (the start of the astrological New Year) occurs only three days after this new Moon. Action!
The Moon, astrologically affects our emotions and underlines the changing, cyclical nature of our needs. There will be little time to ‘dream our dreams’, once the energy begins, before we begin to act upon our intentions. We can use the energy of this new Moon cycle to realise our most positive dreams and intentions. Here are some relevant issues to consider:
No one need live as a victim. This is perhaps the main message of this new Moon in Pisces. As we move through the month towards the full Moon in Libra on the 31st , there are indications that the ‘victims’, both imaginary and real, within our present foggy climate may start to clarify their awareness of the nature of their reality as the fog clears – and begin to change it.
Intense water and strong emotional energy abounds! When this happens, it’s possible that new victims are created. I, personally, have a ‘built in’ distrust of weather forecasting of the non-spiritual kind – so it’s embarrassing for me to attempt to predict the weather! However, there could a lot of rain, high tides and waves and, consequently, victims of intense flooding this month as a result of powerful water related activity throughout the world.
We seek clarity within the fog of confusion! Indications are that this month holds the possibility that opposing factions of society will manifest their volatile disagreements with each other, with little control over the consequences of the intense ‘flow’ of emotions. There is potentially combustible ‘firework energy’ surrounding the already intense new Moon (Uranus/Mercury/Venus in Aries. Mars still in Sagittarius, an intense Jupiter trine in the passionate sign of Scorpio). We should be sensitive to the need to control our emotional flow and to think before we act or speak. Pluto is sextile Jupiter and the potential for change and transformation is with us – volatile enough without anger potentially erupting into violence.
The charts of the USA and UK reflect this intensity and the dangers of explosive behaviour. However, the result of this energy might ultimately influence the outcomes of conflict through the coming lunar month. Could it be possible that governments at last recognise the victims of current modes of practice and their parts in this? Could they begin to understand the urgency of practising compassion and empathy themselves and start to use their power more sensitively? Could there be an increased awareness of the reality that everything an individual does potentially affects everyone else on Earth?
We have to extricate truth from fantasy at the point of this new Moon while keeping our faith in a realistic vision of the future. A collective leap of trust is called for within the foggy environment in which we find ourselves. This is an opportunity to make connections with people that we might not have thought of connecting with in the past. New connections could be nurtured so that we could inject some empathy, sympathy and compassion into the Neptunian sea of consciousness. We are one.
“Dream your Dreams and walk into them…..”
“Many snowflakes, an avalanche make…..”
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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