The first New Moon this October takes place at 1.11am on October 1st at approximately 8 degrees of Libra. (There is another New Moon this month on 30th) The Full Moon this month is on the 16th October.
It’s helpful to consider the implications of the nature of a New Moon before it happens. Each one brings its own energy, presenting a unique recipe of combined energy to us for the coming month – not only because of the astrological sign within which the Sun and Moon are conjunct but also influenced by its aspects to other planets. The ‘still’ hours immediately around the moment of absolute conjunction offer us space to clarify our intentions for the coming lunar month before we start the journey towards the next New Moon (28th October in Scorpio). Each month, we have another opportunity for a new start with a new focus!
Libra is the seventh sign. The seventh house focuses on our relationships generally, particularly those of the ‘one to one’ kind. Libra calls for balance and harmony, fairness and justice. The energy craves shared experiences. Here are some issues that we might focus on before the Libran New Moon kick starts the lunar month:
The last two points are underlined by the New Moon’s conjunction to Jupiter (4 degrees), the planet of abundance, fun and justice. He’ll be whispering in all our ears at the New Moon! We might also need to consider how we balance our time (Saturn sextile the New Moon) also in terms of time spent socially and time spent alone. Jupiter will encourage us to speak our dreams out loud (Neptune inconjunct the New Moon).
Libra also always brings issues of one to one relationships to the fore. We might find ourselves having to negotiate both our needs and ‘fairness’ issues with our nearest and dearest. How can our partners and close friends help us towards balance and harmony in our everyday lives? How can we improve all our personal relationships? How can we state our own needs without compromising ourselves while also being considerate to the needs of others? Who and what, perhaps, don’t we need to spend time with any more? How can we generally enrich our lives?
The New Moon will also be affected by the square to the midpoint between Mars and Pluto. In the wider world, it would seem that the need for harmony, balance and a more peaceful solutions to conflict might be reaching a crisis point. The nature of the way this occurs is likely to have quite a bite and may cause some fierce explosions of energy resulting in spontaneous outbursts of conflict. This could, in spite of our combined efforts to seek peaceful and harmonious conclusions, force us to feel we must ‘take sides’.
If we apply this New Moon energy to current national and world issues such as, in Britain, the Labour leadership election and, in the USA, the Presidential elections in November, one can see that there is a clear potential for conflict. (More about the Presidential election in the next Full Moon in Scorpio report.) Will these major elections be conducted fairly and honestly? We would hope so. Democracy is a Libran issue! The results of the Labour leadership election will be known at the end of September before the Libran New Moon takes place. Whatever the outcome, inevitably there is likely to be major political action and change as the energy of the Libra New Moon follows. This is a cosmic opportunity for much needed focus on fairness and balance in the manner in which we are governed and by whom. Perhaps there is a possibility of real transformation during the period led by the next New Moon in Scorpio. (We can but hope!)
Luckily, Saturn, the planet of structure, authority and stability is with us, hopefully to show us some ‘good sense’ and counteracting the excitement. He stands like a benevolent teacher keeping a measure of control and attempting to ensure good outcomes for everyone! The New Moon is also inconjunct Neptune adding a touch of intuition and vision to the proceedings which might point to a sprinkling of ‘fairy dust’ that could help to bring about positive outcomes.
In conclusion, although we may all be about to confront challenges in our efforts to aspire to greater balance and harmony during October, there seems to be a growing sense of urgency generally towards shifting the ‘status quo’ towards a fairer and more balanced future. We need as much Libran love, honesty and openness as we can muster in order to be in tune with the energy of this particular New Moon.
Be kind to those you love, look after your own well being, keep grounded and trust your intuition. Speak your intentions clearly and courageously to the Libra New Moon and go with the flow!
Jaki Miles Windmill D.F. Astrol, S
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