New Moon in Libra 25th September 22:54 (BST)
Full Moon in Aries 9th October
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.“ Mahatma Gandhi
The New Moon in Libra on 25th September – closely following the Autumn Equinox on the 23rd – comes with a strong energy impetus to return to Love, Balance and Harmony. A new opportunity! Some Native American cultures speak about the Sacred Hoop being broken at this time in history. Simply explained in an image: spirit traditionally occupies the upper half of the hoop and physical matter, the lower. Ideally, universal energy moves harmoniously around the hoop. The flow has been interrupted by a separation of physical and spiritual in human consciousness and the two are no longer integrated – which causes imbalance and discord throughout the world.
We now have an opportunity to begin to mend the Sacred Hoop and to reinstate a flow between our Physicality and Spirituality, providing we make the right choices. Our communications and the general harmonics of the movements of energy between us need to move towards a more elevated level of awareness and harmony. ‘Melody’ not ‘Discord’!
Change is inevitable. There are still huge issues and challenges before us. At the time of the Libra New Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all retrograde. The energy caused by such a strong astrological environment of retrogradation makes us reassess and think about the past and the implications of what we plan to do in the future. The New Moon stands directly opposite Jupiter in Aries, stimulating our understanding of the need for justice and making everything that happens at this time bigger, more exaggerated and more significant. We are charged with the urgent need to rebalance and reassess. The reality of what is truly just and fair reflects back to us from The Great Mirror in the Sky!
Libra is a Cardinal Air sign and the energy stimulates the importance of the choices we make, both individually and collectively. It is an initiator of plans. Libra is represented by the image of balanced scales and is ruled by Venus. The energy seeks to restore Love, Peace, Beauty, Balance and Justice above all – even within disharmonious situations. Off balance, Libran energy becomes over-sensitive and uncomfortable. Mercury/Venus is conjunct the New Moon (7 degrees) and closely trine Pluto in Capricorn – transformational energy working well with re-balance and practical communication. We need it. Even though there could be very unexpected or even cataclysmic events, perhaps the puzzle pieces are being thrown up in the air for good reason as we urgently struggle to create a picture of ultimate harmony – assisted by the energy of this magical New Moon.
Mercury and Venus, affecting the New Moon by conjunction, are opposed to Neptune in Pisces. Through our communications, Virgo seeks thoughtful and detailed realistic solutions to problems that might be more in tune with the needs of the Natural World around us. The magical light beaming from Neptune encourages the integration of a deeper/higher awareness of the consequences of decisions we make at this time. Mars in Gemini closely trines Saturn in Aquarius and squares Neptune. There are some fierce attempts at re-organisation, still some restrictions of movement, assertions of power and attempts to control by means of aggressive action – and some unrealistic efforts to improve things which might come to nothing. What’s new?
At the time of the New Moon in Libra, Uranus conjuncts the North Node in Taurus bringing revolutionary changes in our future. The mood and the landscape of the road we travel forwards on appears rocky and the landscape either side of us unpredictable. Fast moving, dark skies threaten rain, thunder, whirlwinds – and perhaps none of these will actually appear! The clouds are moving so fast at the moment, who knows? Uranus is square Saturn, the teacher, who is supervising us carefully as we walk our path to keep us steady. He’s prepared for expressions of strong views, rebellion and for us to move forward in a way that is not necessarily conventional. Saturn is square the Nodal Axis, forming a T Square. What we do now has far reaching implications. Saturn appears to know the way and shows us possibilities of new structures as we travel. And still – inconjunct the South Node – sits Chiron in Aries, unignorable and inconjunct the South Node in Scorpio. Our attention is brought to all those suffering through war, famine, need or injustice at this time – and throughout history.
For the Lunar Month ahead, choose your wishes, intentions and resolutions with great care. Become fully connected with your inner self, the needs of your heart – and the needs of others – is essential. We seek to beautify and balance. Being in contact with nature can also improve our sense of harmony and inner peace.
Here are some suggestions for issues on which to focus on this new Lunar Month:
Affirmation: We can co-create harmony in the world by increasing our knowledge and awareness, nurturing our own balance and projecting outwards to the world! (male/female energy, nature, weather systems, other races, religions, beliefs and aspirations) We understand that all of Earth’s systems are connected and dependent upon each other for balance and harmony.
Humanity must ‘up its game’. It becomes harder to ignore suffering and imbalance and the implications of behaviours that are innately aggressive, not empathetic, compassionate or fair. We are on a road heading towards a return to balance and harmony. We have a responsibility as to which beliefs and principals of fairness and compassion we choose to live by. ‘Reality’ is fully emerging into consciousness and there is support from the Universe. The silvery beams created by this sublime and spiritual New Moon in Libra shine on the suffering around us and it’s increasingly hard for anyone to look away – even those who might be practised in doing so! We are heading towards radical new paradigms and ways of living.
Disharmony has forced us to look for meaning within a society which, in many ways, might have lost its way. As the New Moon in Libra dawns and final secrets, shadows and subterranean activities emerge into light, we become collectively more aware of the importance of integrating the qualities of Libra into our lives. The Sacred Hoop can begin to mend!
‘Take responsibility to uplift the people around you. That’s Satsang, not just singing and leaving. The wise person is like the sky, where all people can fly.’ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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