New Moon in Capricorn (solar eclipse) – 6th January 01:28 (GMT)
Full Moon in Leo (lunar eclipse) – 21st January 05:15
“Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.” John F. Kennedy
The New Moon is in Capricorn, a feminine Earth sign, Cardinal in nature and ruled by her ruling planet, Saturn, the great teacher and structure-builder. She sits with dignity on the exact midpoint between Saturn and Pluto, the position marking the inevitability of huge change. Saturn himself sits on the left shoulder of the New Moon – with Mercury, the communicator to the left of him. To the right is Pluto, the great transformer and, on his right shoulder, the South Node – a reminder of all that has gone before. Five planets (Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Pluto) and the South Node – all in Capricorn. Formidable.
The image of this Capricorn New Moon is that of a mature and intelligent older woman. She is a teacher, capable and full of integrity, practised in taking her responsibility seriously. She commands respect. Like all good teachers, she is feared by those who refuse to learn or to contribute to her lessons – and those who act recklessly and without awareness of how their behaviour might affect others. She understands the nature of present reality, the need for a conscious striving for improvement and changes to thought structures – not an attractive prospect for many. Cardinality initiates ideas and new beginnings. In tune with the element of Earth, she executes projects methodically, purposefully, with practicality and clear goals. Like a goat climbing steadily to the top of the mountain she works hard and determinedly to reach the summit where her vision shines.
Capricorn knows the importance of rules, integrity and discipline. She encourages an honest understanding of ourselves. She finds new solutions and creates new structures whenever necessary. She plans, lays solid foundations and inspires others to create new projects too. Her pace may seem slow to others but she keeps her goals firmly in focus. At this New Moon, as the Great Transformer, Pluto, whispers in her ear, she knows that change is inevitable. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse conjuncts the South Node marking radical new beginnings, new phases too. Old structures have to metamorphose into something better suited for their purpose.
The mood may seem on the surface to be very sombre, intense – serious. However, Mars sits at the very beginning of his own fiery sign of Aries giving us the energy, dynamism, determination, speed and warrior energy to leap from any stagnancy into action. There will be no stopping him! No planet is retrograde and, even though Uranus sits stationary/direct and at the critical end degrees of fiery Aries, he is terrifying and magnificent like a huge, unruly Ram building up the turbo energy to charge wildly and rebelliously forwards again. The potential for rebellion and outbursts of anger and violence is at explosive levels that counteract Capricorn’s energy of discipline and control. Of course, those who relish control will always attempt to use this Capricorn intensity to their own advantage but they will not be able to avoid the crisis of general discontent and imbalance. Welcome Neptune in Pisces – sextile to the New Moon – a sprinkle of magic! The cosmic Pandora’s box offers HOPE and spiritual/visionary awareness, reassuringly lightening up the starry sky above the frozen Earth.
A New Moon marks the beginning of a new emotional cycle. On a personal level, this New Moon/Solar Eclipse gives us the opportunity to create new structures for ourselves – together with the turbo boost necessary to focus energy and self-discipline necessary for changes. Here’s an opportunity for a thorough personal pre-Spring Cleaning! It is ultra-important to focus our minds towards our own personal plans – not only for the approaching Lunar Month but also the New Year. Here are some suggestions to help initiate new, practical initiatives with the integrity of intention and resolutions we need to transform our dreams onto reality:
Systems flounder. Ruins surround us. Cracks in religious and political beliefs are exposed and hypocrisy, hate and unfairness are revealed – but noted more clearly than ever before (Mars conjunct Chiron). Global integrity, honesty and hard work is urgently needed to change the worse of present structures, belief systems and immoral practises. In the US, the newly formed House of Congress meets for the first time on 3rd January, just before the New Moon/Solar Eclipse (5th Jan in USA). In the UK, in the third week of January, Theresa May makes another attempt to secure a floundering Brexit. The consequences of both significant events will naturally be in tune with the cosmic energy – and the astrological weather is at a crisis point.
Humanity is treating the Earth no better than we treat each other and the Earth is likely to continue to reflect the conflicting energies in the form of shock movements, eruptions and turbulent weather systems. What principles are the policies towards care of our environment and the care of people based on? On what beliefs and intentions are the foundations and belief systems of countries throughout the world built? Are our global foundations crumbling and inadequate for purpose? What goal – what mountain top – should Humanity be attempting to reach?
My personal opinion is that there has been an acceleration in the level of fear manifesting in those who still selfishly secret away piles of money and cling to power through dubious and shady courses of action – to the detriment of ‘the rest’. They know they are in serious danger at this point in time of being ‘rumbled’ and exposed for what they truly are. So, like cornered snakes, they hiss and slither, afraid to actually go in for the kill because they know they would then be seen clearly – out in the open – and could potentially lose everything.
This New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, the first in the year, calls us to regenerate individual self-discipline and to create sparkling visions and new, better structures as we climb upwards towards the future. Nothing less will do. We have to hold close our individual integrity. Many find the idea of the future being radically different from the past a terrifying prospect and they cling to the ruins of familiar and impractical old concepts. Tough.
The astrological weather is such that increasing numbers of snowflakes continue to fall softly, steadily and persistently from the Universe, gently covering what has gone before and making new shapes in the landscape – from which new structures will grow! Hard, steady Capricorn work needed! The choice is between relating the old, blackened ruined structures poking miserably out of the snow around us – or the beautiful snowflakes that fall with growing determination, each one an individual unique and perfect structure in itself – covering the ugliness around us. We can create our own reality. Hope, not hate, will prevail.
“When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the Earth from many colours, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They will be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow.” Native American Prophecy
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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