New Moon in Capricorn 2nd January 18:33 (GMT)
Full Moon in Cancer – 17th January
“The two most powerful warriors are Patience and Time.” Leo Tolstoy
The clock ticks and life goes forward! Time moves inexorably on and we encounter new circumstances as we travel through it. We perceive progress within our concept of time – however close to reality that concept may be. Here’s to flowing gracefully forward while retaining our own sense of composure and uniqueness. The energy surrounding this New Moon in Capricorn encourages us to become fully in control of both our personal sense of self and our integrity as we face the future this year. Our power is our own – Happy New Year!
The New Moon in Capricorn is on the 2nd January – very close to the beginning of the shiny New Calendar Year – an enormous opportunity for hopes, wishes, intentions and resolutions to be set in motion with renewed purpose and energy. Capricorn is an Earth sign, Cardinal and ruled by Saturn. The energy rules structure, practicality and ambition. It knows the strength of detachment and of personal and collective responsibility. Capricorn energy can be both earthy and calculatingly cerebral. Cardinal signs encourage the instigation of new projects and designs and plans with the future always in sight. It teaches and holds us within paradigms and structures both of our own making and created by situations outside of ourselves. Like children held within school timetables, we either feel security or rebel within these structures – and, like a good teacher, Saturn creates routines and order. He attempts control with the intention of teaching us lessons we need to learn. He also encourages us to contribute to our own rule making and to increase our social awareness, responsibility and self-motivation.
At this New Moon, we are encouraged to develop integrity and innovation. Uranus in Taurus, trine the New Moon and square Saturn in Aquarius, encourages us to rebel against restrictions, to become aware of the needs of others, to think ‘outside the box’ – and to live closer to the earth with an awareness of all that nature has potentially to offer us – and what we can do to protect and look after her.
Venus is widely conjunct the New Moon, conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and sextile to Neptune (Pisces). It is still retrograde on 2nd January (direct 29th). The issues we’re confronted with this Lunar month, may well force us to re-consider our values and belief systems – what we really need to live at one with ourselves, others and the Earth and which attitudes we might need to change. World finance balances could be severely affected. With Chiron square the New Moon, we are challenged to deal with the instability and pain currently being experienced by many people. Mercury in Aquarius (0 degrees, retrograde 14th) is only 5 degrees from Pluto, is trine the North Node and sextile the South Node (‘Can we please start talking seriously about changes to systems that will be fairer towards all of humanity and their needs?’). Many older structures have been breaking down during the events of the last two years as Pluto steadily advanced through Capricorn. (The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on 20th January in 2020 heralded the start of the of the pandemic.)
All six of these heavenly bodies are within orb of another (within 30 degrees) creating an intense concentration of energy that brings with it more awareness of the implications of restrictions that surround us and whispered promises of positive structural reconstruction ahead! It seems that the Universe is slowly and steadily creating a clearer perception of the wider needs of Humanity and of the Earth herself. The astrological climate at the time of New Moon also encourages energetic rebellion. There’s likely to be more activity within groups that are working to protect the environment who are urging the necessity for more equality in resource distribution and the protection of the Earth. It’s almost as if the energy we are receiving from the Cosmos is refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer. Turning direct on the 18th – and propelling us into the future – Uranus transforms this energy into direct action, encouraging us to develop our inner sense of responsibility and individual expression.
Mars (action) is in Sagittarius, sextile Saturn and trine Chiron. This year we need to expect the truly unexpected. We truly ‘ain’t seen nothing yet’ it seems. Continued general global instability is likely to manifest spontaneous outbursts of impulsive action on behalf of others, manifested in angry rhetoric as people defend their own philosophies and ideas and shout for change, demanding changes in structures that will lead to more fairness and equality (Mercury in Aquarius trine N.Node and sextile S.Node). The astrological environment is likely to be reflected by the Earth in unexpected earthquakes, volcanic activity and unusual weather conditions.
“What next?” seems to be the big question! The nature of the energy we have been experiencing over the last two years shifts significantly. Jupiter is in the process of moving into Pisces for the second time (0 degrees 53 at time of New Moon and square the Nodes), adding weight to the effects of Neptune (also in Pisces). He is going to move unusually quickly through the sign, adding to a sense of acceleration of events and changes. Later in January, the Nodal axis shifts from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio. Secrets, lies and deceptions – some years old – will continue to emerge. There may be numerous, ‘Wild West-like’ showdowns occurring all over the world as people, politics, wealth distributions, and environment make their stands surrounded by numerous old tumbleweed secrets blowing around the unfolding events!
We welcome a noticeable shift in energy from the moment of the New Moon in Capricorn! This year, we will at last get a chance to manifest all our hopes and dreams that may have been ‘on pause’ over the last few years – although ‘getting back to normal’ is unlikely to be an option in a world where many structures have been irrevocably broken down. It’s becoming obvious that we need to make changes in our values that involve more care and empathy with each other. From my perspective, 2022 is publicising itself as an exciting time, brimming with new innovations, potential and possibilities, despite confusing situations we may still have to experience in the first few months of the year. What new concepts might manifest? How will things unfold? Trusting in the fast forward flow of events is perhaps all we can do!
At the time of this New Moon in Capricorn, we perhaps need to think extra carefully and responsibly about what we want to create in the future. What, personally, do we value most and what do we really need – or need to discard – in preparation for the year ahead? How can we best create our collective new future in the year ahead?
For this New Lunar Month, here are some ideas to carefully consider:
Suggested New Year meditation:
Centre yourself by visualising a space within your heart centre. Fill the space with Light and Love and Peace. Become aware of the strength and uniqueness of your spirit. Become aware of the Universe both within you and outside of you. Be aware of the certainty that the Universe is ‘no doubt unfolding as it should’. Visualise where and how you would most like to be by this time next year. What changes in the world would you most like to see? Believe that this can become reality as you contribute to creating a positive and beautiful future……….
Affirmation for 2022:
May we remain true to ourselves, our friends and the uniqueness of our individual journeys through life. May we walk a path of love, integrity and light, truth, individuality and strength.
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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