New Moon in Aries 1st April 07:24 (BST)
Full Moon in Libra 16th April
“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” Shakespeare
April Fool’s Day – and the New Moon in Aries. Traditionally, a day marked for making ‘fools’ of people with jokes and tricks, we could be forgiven for wondering what the true nature of the jokes played on us by fate might have been over the past months? What is the truth of the scenario behind the still-unfolding story? Have we been fooled by illusions? How deep has the deception been behind emerging revelations? There have been rumours, conspiracy theories, manipulations revealed by the media, lies and deceptions and a confusion of information like something performed by a smoke and mirror magician on steroids! What to believe? Are we waiting for the ‘reveal’ or some kind of punchline? Perhaps we will understand better after this Lunar Month.
The New Moon stands firmly in courageous Aries with Mercury close on one side and Chiron on the other. Resistance to authoritarian behaviour is in the air. People are becoming increasingly brave enough to express their feelings. On 5th April, Mars is exactly conjunct Saturn. We might experience further attempts to control truth and freedom and there is likely to be further aggression and releases of innate tensions (Mars/Saturn/Venus conjunct in Aquarius). Uranus, un-aspected in Taurus, (12 degrees from NN/ trine Pluto) creates an awareness of the need for sensible, practical responses to the ‘knee jerk’ and aggressive behaviour we’ve experienced. Rebellion needs to be practical. Perhaps, inherent in this moment, is a growing awareness of the pointlessness of war itself – an Aquarian reminder of the need for co-operation and that Humanity consists of people who are all part of one global community!
At the New Moon, Mars and Venus are six degrees apart in Aquarius. Saturn sits firmly on the mid-point, holding their energies in his stern Saturnian grip, (all three planets being square to the Nodal Axis – NN in Taurus and SN in Scorpio). What does the grouping teach us? One factor is that this is the finale of the main issues brought by Pluto’s long journey through Capricorn – the struggle between those who fight to keep old value structures we have lived by for many years and the push to dissolve them and rebuild.
Aries is a warrior – a Cardinal Fire sign, ruled by Mars. It brings light, optimism, enthusiasm and the opportunity to initiate purposeful, creative projects. The New Moon in Aries heralds a significant month as tensions throughout the world run high and, like a rubber band being twisted tighter and tighter, we are becoming aware that a complete ‘break’ could have disastrous connotations for the whole world. Traditionally, the energy of Aries is war-like, super-charged, spontaneous and yang. But, within it, truths and intentions are laid bare and can be accessed to help us move strongly and purposefully forward. Aries is straightforward, adventurous and simplistic in a manner which encourages mankind to tell ‘it’ and act ‘it’ how it is, honestly and simply. Aries is the pioneer, the explorer of new territories. Truth cannot be hidden under its energy.
Flanked by Aries Mercury and Aries Chiron, the New Moon brings integrity and the possible consequences of all actions at this time are clearly visible. We cannot ignore the victims of strife being created out of present circumstances. The whole picture has become like a film of events constantly projected on the walls inside and outside of our homes. What is seen will not be unseen this moonth. There can be little invisibility and little subterfuge possible for those who aggressively channel anger and negativity towards others either through neglect, greed or anger. They will be seen. We witness current events openly and are subject to our own emotional reactions. We recognise the integrity levels of those who are both perpetrating and suffering and are aware of implications in our own lives.
Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are in mutual reception, one consequence being that entirely new ways of managing the flow of global money are being developed – and indicating the possibility of an online central control. The dangers of this in terms of our own freedoms and other further controls of behaviour are obvious. We are also in the process of creating other kinds of personal and social structures, an awareness of food fairness and distribution, issues surrounding energy sources. There could be backlash attempts to control freedoms and to curb free speech as a result. One consequence is the growing trend of seeking and joining forces with people with similar mind sets and exploring the possibilities of living within structures that could be more community based. Perhaps we are in a process of ‘finding our tribes’ – even if this sometimes, by force of circumstances and distance, is through social media.
The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces (sextile the NN/trine the SN and exact on 12th April) reminds us to be aware of justice and higher, more spiritual matters. It also enforces our awareness of the delusions, deceptions and illusions that surround us and furthers our need to be cautious and discriminating in our assessments of what is true and false within the multitude of opinions we are exposed to. We need, consequently, to develop and reinforce our own strength and personal integrity. Within this conjunction, anything and everything suddenly becomes possible and familiar boundaries are fuzzy and indistinct. There’s a sense of dissolving boundaries between dreams and reality and boundaries between people to. Hopefully, this will lead to increased compassion and empathy for each other.
This impacts on our awareness of the potential repercussions of our own actions and how they impact others. The strong involvement of the Nodal Axis in the New Moon’s astrological picture suggests how pivotal and significant these times are. Thank goodness for the influx of Aries energy, which is, above all, straightforward and clear. The Spring Equinox occurred on 20th March – the start of the Astrological Year as the Sun entered Aries. Mercury entered Aries on 27th March. The New Moon holds powerful Aries energy involving clarity of intention and keeping clear goals uppermost in our minds as we move determinedly and positively forwards. We are used to hearing politicians repeating the mantra, “Let us be clear on this” followed by actions which are often anything but! This is an opportunity to become clear about our intentions and to ‘follow through’, using our own power and integrity.
Positive creativity is available to us now in bucket-loads. What intentions, wishes and projects can we create to harness the energy of the current transits? Intentions made now will have repercussions throughout the astrological year. How can we best use the Aries energy of this potent New Moon? Let us be clear on this! Here are some suggestions to help select clear wishes, intentions and goals for this Aries New Moon:
Trust! I know that by leaving behind material and emotional things I no longer need, I create spaces for new adventures and blessings to enter my life!
One could be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed by events – and restrictions – at this time. The Fool in the Tarot is an innocent traveller at the start of a journey, pure and somewhat naïve, trusting in the validity of his purpose and stepping forwards with enthusiasm, optimism and self-belief, a clear destination in his mind, and fire and enthusiasm in his belly. He can’t afford to allow himself to feel fear.
I trust in my ability to create Light within myself that will eclipse any shadows I encounter as I walk forwards.
I radiate Light out into the world and embrace new possibilities.
I resolve to stand firmly in my own strength and integrity, seeking truth and reaching for my dreams.
I face the future as a Warrior with courage and determination and embrace the future without fear.
“There is no darkness, but ignorance.” Shakespeare
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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