New Moon in Leo 4th August 12:13
Full Moon in Aquarius 19th August
The New Moon is at 12 degrees of Leo and makes harmonious aspects to a conjunction between Mars and Jupiter in Gemini and to the North Node in Aries. There is a drive for passionate fresh starts. Inspiration through loyal connections is being amplified. Those we love and care about, who show us their love and support, are rooting for us. In return, we may find ourselves inclined to connect to their energy to reward them by shining in our truest purpose.
This lunar energy supports us to set intentions for a life filled with creativity and joy. A powerful trine to the North Node in Aries asks us to consider how we can be loyal to ourselves. The North Node indicates where we come from and the journey we are destined to make through life. With the North Node being in Aries and connected harmoniously to this Leo seed point, the energy of the Moon is daring us to have courage. To assert ourselves and make a brave step towards independence. Under this loving and warm lunar moment, there is a need to make plans for a future in which we feel proud of who we are and of what we stand for.
Ask yourself what it is you feel most impassioned by. What sparks a fire in your heart and excitement in your belly? What makes you feel grateful, and fills your cup? This New Moon is encouraging you to advocate for more of these things in your world. To choose to do what is right, even if it is a little bit scary and means that you must stand on your own two feet. Being loyal to what lies in your heart now will be rewarded. Leo is a fixed sign. Planets in Leo take their time and the space they need for their energy to be manifested in our lives. What is brought about through a New Moon in Leo is not just grand and exciting pipe dreams, but commitments and decisions which last the distance. What we intend to do now is infused with a sense of saying ‘I will’ as well as ‘watch me!’. Determination to set the stage and put on a show worth watching, supports us to manifest into being what we’ve always wanted to be, if only we dared.
A strong sense of loyalty is brought out whenever the Moon is in Leo. At New Moon, we feel brave enough to honour and release moments where we have felt betrayed. That way, we make space for recommitting our time and energy to those who support us and have our backs. Friendship and family are not defined by how long we have spent in each other’s company. Venus in Leo, along with this New Moon and its connection to the North Node, is highlighting bonds of true connection and love. Who in your life represents undoubtedly good energy? This is not about flawlessness of character. Human beings make mistakes. Who do you know who is brave enough to admit when they have made mistakes? Who do you have the honour of laughing with through hard times? Whose warmth of spirit can be relied upon? These are the connections to remind yourself of now. Jupiter in Gemini wants us to make more bonds like these, and to experience a range of communication which makes our hearts leap with laughter. All that glitters may not be gold, but the New Moon in Leo helps us all to sparkle. This Moon is wise enough to know that the darkness we all face through life is what makes all the lights in our world that little bit brighter.
Leo New Moon is sociable and warm. We are being emboldened to take ourselves forwards into new ventures which hold a special place in our hearts, surrounded by our lion’s pride. Creativity comes from a spark of inspiration which is fanned to flame by air sign Gemini’s breeze. Spontaneous and impulsive action, encouraged by Mars and Jupiter, is not a cause for fear but marks a moment to celebrate. Will power is at an all-time high as we say “yes” to doing what feels right.
Venus in Leo is reminding us just how loveable and worthy of appreciation we are. How right it is for us to be noticed for our talents and to let our gifts shine out. These planets are ganging together and telling us to go for it. To leap towards anything which leaves us giddy with delight and with a smile on our face. Life is short. Let there be joy. Let there be light. Let’s connect with kindness, look after each other and, most importantly, laugh together! There is magic and healing in those moments in which we can let go and giggle our way to a point of exhaustion. Then, let us lie back, lazy as lions with our friends and the family we choose, and who choose us. Let’s all fill our hearts with the warmth of a Leo New Moon which promises more times like these, lapping up the moments which swell our hearts with happiness.
Mercury, now home in Virgo, reminds us that even parties involve work that must be done. Anybody who has executed an event knows that forethought and foresight are essential to ensure the good times keep on rolling. Blown budgets feel much easier when they can be measured and made right again. Playtime might be important but so is the plan. All the indulgences of the good life require paying for somehow. Thoughtful, considerate and quick in its home sign, the planet of communication niggles away at the back of our minds, gently reminding us what we ought to do and helping us to think of ways to free up our precious time for all that we love.
Guided Meditation
We can’t see the stars in the daylight, but they are always there. If we look up at the sky in the daytime, we can’t see the sparkle of twinkling lights or the magic of moonlight. However, somewhere they still exist. Love and true friendship are the same. It may not always be obvious. We may feel moments of loss and heartache, but the love and connection are still there. We only need to be patient. To remember through each breath we take when we are struggling or bored or fed up, that life without contrast is no fun. Without the depths, we cannot experience those joyous moments of leaping to new heights. And, as the sun sets and we lose the support of its warmth, the darkness of night takes our hand and shows us a different kind of magic. Now we can watch the show of the stars and see their twinkle reflected in the eyes of those we are dancing with. The universe teaches us to find consistency in its endless rhythm of change. Love is always there. Day or night.
Let’s take a moment to have gratitude for all feelings. For every breath we take and every experience we have. Giving time to experience our whole range of emotion, frees us. When we allow tears to flow and laughter to erupt, we are truly alive. Life is precious. You are precious. You shine like a light in the lives of those you love. You are greatly appreciated and adored. Your presence on this planet is no coincidence. It is a blessing. The universe wants you to know just how much it loves you.
Jemima Cainer
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