New Moon in Gemini 18th June 05:37 (BST)
Full Moon in Capricorn 3rd July
This report is now available as a podcast.
“Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions”. Mark Twain
Strong vibrational waves break on the shores of the Earth. There is no denying the sound of their pounding on our beaches – and the potential positivity shining on the spray. We feel the effects of this energy as Sun and Moon unite in Gemini. We hear the urgent call for fairness and justice coming from the Universe herself. Clarity of communication becomes all important as the music of change erupts around us and we feel compelled to join in with our thought processes and our voices like a well-rehearsed flash mob breaking into song! It’s a song about pure transformational change, rich in surprising discords and harmonies – a passionate choir of united voices emanating strongly from the Earth and in tune with the Universe!
We will be compelled to make decisions at this New Moon on 18th June. Decisions that will serve us in the best possible way and will reach, like starlit rocket trails, into the future. The Universe decrees it so. The underlying drumbeat is steady and unites us to act for the good of all. Jupiter stands mighty and strong with the North Node in Taurus square Venus conjunct Mars in Leo. Uranus (in Taurus square Mars) encourages everyone to take action towards creating fairness and rebalance. Some will refuse to listen and some will wish that the Song of Change could be silenced. That’s unlikely within the present astrological picture!
Gemini is a mutable, air sign, ruled by Mercury and often symbolised by an image of twins. It rules speaking, writing, learning, travel and all forms of communication. The energy is busy and thoughtful and, although it can sometimes seem superficial and tricky, it is quick, curious and refreshingly light and fluid. Like a busy bee flitting from flower to flower collecting pollen – and information – to take back to the collective of the hive, it has the capability to transform what has been foraged from numerous sourced flowers into miraculous, precious and healing honey! Mercury, square Saturn and sextile Venus, supports the New Moon energy in his own sign of Gemini. He urges changes that will encourage harmony and the creation of more responsible structures. The energy gives us an opportunity to be assisted in the process of re-thinking and the development of ideas and beliefs which will improve the quality of our relationships and communications. We are encouraged to learn from past experiences and so reap the benefits of the knowledge gained. No more repetition of past mistakes!
The New Moon is challenged by a square to Neptune in Pisces. Our communications must, it seems, take on an enhanced sense of spiritual awareness – and, because Mars is conjunct Venus in Leo at the time of New Moon, we are likely to display more dignity and gravitas in our approach to problems, becoming more aware of the potential significance and consequences of everything that we do. Casual words and ‘throw away’ lies will seem too cheap to be given attention and we can no longer afford to entertain flimsy, ill thought-out solutions to global problems as we understand they are likely to break down in the future. We have begun to realise the necessity of integrity in our important communications with each other.
Saturn is trine the South Node, sextile Jupiter and square Mercury. The day before the New Moon, Saturn went retrograde in Pisces. Like a Victorian road sweeper clearing horse effluent, he is making a clean sweep of the road so that, when he turns direct again at the beginning of November, our way forward will be clearer! While retrograde, Saturn spends some time hovering around the beginning degrees of Pisces and, like a responsible teacher, he will impress on us the necessity to shift our collective consciousness to a higher level of awareness in the interest of progress. Structures must evolve and rebuild differently from past and the importance of the need to merge the physical with spiritual becomes obvious. Pluto, sextile Neptune at the time of New Moon, emphasises this concept further. Pluto recently moved back into Capricorn on a last sweep attempt to clear up the mess of decaying past structures. He is making sure that our lessons have been learned before moving direct and onwards into Aquarius.
These are serious times and the flash mob we are part of demands full attention! In mid Aries sits Chiron, trine Mars. People in poverty and need will be loudly using their voices to protest (Uranus in Taurus). High energy is all around us. Three days after the New Moon, at the summer solstice on the 21st, the Sun enters Moon ruled Cancer. The Sun is at its highest in the sky (in the northern hemisphere) and the potent Life Force is at its strongest too. At the solstice, the Moon joins Mars and Venus in Leo adding strength and emphasis on humanitarian solutions. We are likely to feel more emotional, courageous and confident and possibly could become more selfish and tactless too in our communications with others! Intense feelings burgeon everywhere alongside the blossoming Earth. Added to this, at the solstice, there is a Grand Trine between the Sun, Saturn and the South Node. Hopefully, we can enjoy meetings and familiar summer traditions (winter traditions in the southern hemisphere) under the influence of this strong, harmonious and easy aspect, enabling us to greet changes mooted at the New Moon with open hearts.
On 18th June, at the moment of dark moon, just before the Sun reflects the shining, new, slender sliver crescent, we have time to contemplate, recognise and acknowledge our deepest beliefs and desires. Twelve days later, on 30th June, Neptune will retrograde (until December), emphasising how important the need for careful consideration, vision and planning is at this particular New Moon in Gemini.”
Suggested meditation:
Take time to enter the calmest centre of your inner being through meditation or by contemplation within the peace of nature. Observe the movement and flow within your own thoughts and body and tune in to the fluidity of the rhythms and pulses of the Earth and beyond into the Universe. Merge freely with a gentle wind or float within a body of water. Recognise your connectedness with everything. Join in with the dance and the songs you hear. Allow impressions and visions of past, present and future to flow freely. Dream – and then answer this question: What is your purpose?
Affirmation: At this New Moon in Gemini on 18th June – and with acknowledgement to the summer solstice, the peak of the solar year on the 21st – we thoughtfully assimilate the past and acknowledge what we have learned. We determine to connect and communicate with each other with clarity, sensitivity and integrity, exercising logical thought and compassion as we plan for the future.
Together, we sing the Song of Change! Ho!
“The decisions you make today will determine the stories you tell tomorrow.” Craig Groeschel
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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