New Moon in Capricorn 30th December 22:27
Full Moon in Cancer January 13th 2025
The New Moon in Capricorn occurs at 9 degrees, on the 30th December 2024. The timing of this New Moon, just before the start of the new calendar year, promises to infuse our intentions for 2025 with the energy we need to make grand plans and the determination to stick to what we commit to. The New Moon is sextile Saturn, the planet of discipline who lends a compassionate, supportive hand from Pisces. As we shift from the energy of the darkest, longest night of the year, it is time to get down to business. But there is no rush to do anything at all. All that is required under this New Moon is to let your dreams inspire a concrete plan. These are the intentions which we make for the long term. This is a moment to cast your mind’s eye far ahead, to visualise where you see yourself being successful and notice where you feel your energy drawn towards a promise of achievement. There is no need to leave the cocoon that these quiet days between Solstice and New Year celebrations provide. This is necessary time to dissolve in order to be reborn.
A square aspect from the New Moon to Chiron brings up old wounds which require us to take our time to focus on healing. It might be painful to feel, but releasing this under the New Moon is blessing us with the freedom to move on to a future that is filled with a sense of gratitude for the choices we have previously made.
Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury connect in a T- Square. Pinning down our hopes long enough to capture them into an intention will be powerful. There is no need to be overly certain or to overcommit to definitive plans. Neptune supports the flow of imagination and open-ended possibilities. The mutable energy of Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces allows this formation to support us to develop the flexibility we need to thrive. To set your intentions, focus on the feelings that you want to cultivate in your life.
Pluto and retrograde Mars are heading towards an exact opposition in a few days. The tension between pride of self and a vision for the future of the collective is building under the New Moon. There is a sense of plans needing to be tentative. A requirement to wait and see just how empowered we are about to become.
The surface of the Earth is cold and hard now. Just under the surface, the intentions of next year are benefitting from the darkness and soak up the riches of mulch. When it is dark, the stars shine brighter. They remind us of the light that is within our hearts and the strength that positivity, love and hope can bring. We may all be hibernating and biding our time but there is a feeling of inevitable strength which will only lead to great progress. As the light gathers momentum through the winter, the seeds which we plant in our psyche now will grow too.
Imagine yourself setting out, on a quiet, clear night. You are wrapped in the protection of the universe. You are cloaked in soft warmth. It is winter. The air is cold – refreshing. As you walk under the night sky, every step you take connects to the earth with a sturdy sense of reassurance, giving you strength. You breathe in the cool air and release anything stagnant from within you, watching as your breath makes a curling cloud of vapour. The sky is dark, like velvet. The stars are sparkling, guiding you. The Moon is not visible now, but she offers you her constant support. She is reminding you of your incredible strength, of every step you have taken to get to this moment. You have the power to create a cocoon around yourself. Notice that the cold and darkness are nothing to fear. You are eternally protected and a source of continuous light, warmth and radiance. Allow your mind to wander to see where the stars are now excited to take you. Feel each sturdy step you take empowering you with the energy of the earth. Every footprint you leave behind is sparkling. The path before you glitters with possibility. You are protected on your journey here. You are loved. You are comforted. You are held by all the power of the universe. You have everything you need, within you.
Jemima Cainer
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