New Moon in Scorpio 15th November 05:07
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini – 30th November
The pale-faced Moon looks bloody on the earth,
And lean-looked prophets whisper fearful change.
Rich men look sad, and ruffians dance and leap;
The one in fear to lose what they enjoy,
The other to enjoy by rage and war.
These signs forerun the death or fall of kings.”
(Richard II, Shakespeare)
Deep in the nests we’ve reinforced with the strength of love and self-protection, we have developed an awareness of what we really need to exist. The world outside continues in chaos. We are still dealing with a pandemic, with confused messages, the results of a presidential election and, in the UK – a looming Brexit. In some areas of the world, war and homelessness have focused us on our global sense of balance, compassion, empathy and humanity and there is an ever-widening rift between ‘right and left’, on a scale of which we could hardly have imagined was possible. Will we ever be able to move amongst each other again without fear, animosity or suspicion? Will we one day be able to crawl out of the trenches in which we’ve been hiding and experience freedom? Yes, we will!
Scorpio is a fixed, feminine Water sign, ruled by Pluto, the planet of Transformation, Death and Rebirth. She is the mistress of transformational, decisive and cataclysmic change. She is dark, secretive, sensual, emotionally intense, dangerous and frightening. She can be intransigent, ruthless and violently destructive. She reveals weaknesses, mistakes and corruption – which gives us an opportunity to leave what is negative behind us for ever. She reminds us that only then can new structures and paradigms have space into which they can birth and grow. She reminds us that, out of death and darkness, Life and Light can emerge.
The Cosmos continues to present us with a collection of unusual and intense astrological aspects. We have no alternative but to deal with them on both personal and collective levels. We sense the gears of change grinding together as we attempt to move forward. The New Moon in Scorpio stands like an ancient standing stone at the entrance to a field where the future is still concealed in mist. But – just before this powerful New Super-moon occurs, Mars goes direct and kick starts us with the courage, confidence and energy we need to step forward. The energy around us speeds up and the New Moon in Scorpio presents us with an opportunity for a dynamic new beginning that could be more significant than any other we have known for some time.
Traditionally, there are three levels of Scorpio energy; the Scorpion – aggressive, manipulative, destructive, ruled by extreme emotions, the Eagle – more spiritually self-aware and less destructive – and the Dove or Phoenix who encapsulates love, spirituality, peace and healing. Scorpio energy inevitably contains the elements of all three. We focus on the fact that this New Supermoon, within the astrological landscape in which she manifests, is pure Phoenix energy. The intentions we make, as the intensity of the energy kicks in on the 15th November at 5.07am (GMT), have the potential of ‘the best’ of Scorpio energy:
This is the third Super Moon this year. We need to acknowledge its potential, focus and power. Here are some suggestions that might help us to formulate relevant wishes and intentions for the approaching Lunar Month.
Secrets continue to emerge from the deepest levels of human psyche. We release them. We see the Truth of personalities, situations and outdated structures, within and without us, more clearly. Our perceptions of reality are changing. As individuals, we resolve to leave behind any negativity that has recently been revealed and aspire towards an alternative future that will be created from our highest thoughts, best intentions and clearest wishes.
Imagine yourself in an ideally positive, fulfilled and happy place a year from now. What intentions and wishes can you initiate this month that will help you move smoothly towards that vision? What do you most want to create?
What do your strongest emotions focus on at this time? Make an intention to acknowledge positive feelings with gratitude and to transform negative feelings into positivity in the future.
We manifest our own future. Become aware of the strength and power of your creative thoughts. How can you contribute personally towards a future that is peaceful, loving and nurturing for the world?
This month brings renewed clarity and direction. It is likely to be easier to go forwards with intentions that were disrupted and frustrated earlier in the year. What projects and visions can you re-energise and re-boot this Lunar Month?
What intensity is this! Like the finale of a Shakespearean Drama, it seems that pent up frustration and anger is releasing everywhere around us and will continue to do so until the end of the year. We have been dominated by the Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in Capricorn. Old structures are now ‘visibly’ collapsing and new ones emerging. We have recently witnessed a ‘second wave’ of the Covid virus – and the election of Joe Biden as the future President of the United States. On the 3rd November, the results were coming through as Mercury went direct in harmonious Libra. Balance started to come back to world events and we began to see the future more optimistically.
At the beginning of the new lunar month, the conjunction in Capricorn will still be holding fast (Pluto conjunct Jupiter on 12th November exact). The conflicts caused by the breakdown of old structures around us are not over yet! Trump, at the time of writing, refuses to accept the results of the Presidential Election, determined to stick to his own version of a crumbling reality. The New Moon in Scorpio, however, announces the denouement of the drama! Exactly sextile Pluto and Jupiter at the time of New Moon, and trine Neptune, we feel the tension surrounding inevitable and dramatic change ease – and it becomes easier to visualise positive possibilities within the change.
“That is a step
On which I must fall down, or else o’erleap,
For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires;
Let not light see my black and deep desires.
The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be
Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.”
Macbeth, Shakespeare
The approaching Lunar month may well reveal even more revelations and even deeper secrets. It may also present solutions. New paradigms of behaviour, emerging as a result of the pandemic, are likely to become more practical and acceptable and new scientific discoveries that will help deal with the virus are likely to emerge that will help us to deal with the realities of a changed future.
By the end of November, only Uranus will remain retrograde (in Taurus). Mercury, in Scorpio at the time of New Moon, opposes Uranus in Taurus and Venus trines the North Node in Gemini and challenges the Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (square) seeking active rebellion and practical revolutionary change. There’s a growing awareness that the World’s finances need radical reorganisation. (Venus’, with Mars at her side, declares, in large letters, “No more Corruption! No more Greed! Give all people what they need!” )
On 30th November, the Full Moon will be eclipsed in Gemini. It’s time for us all to finally let go of the past. Leaders, who have been clearly exposed as creators of negativity, poverty and conflict will be seen to be attempting to hang on to their old structures together with flimsy sticky tape. Corruption will finally begin to lose its grip. The need for balance and fairness will become clearer as the whole world starts to face reality.
The choices, attitudes and aspirations we make at this time could not be any more pertinent or significant. We are duty bound to breath our positivity into the future. Since the beginning of the year, forward movement seems to have been frozen in a state of petrification. Mars retrograde between 9th September and 14th November – and frustrated by his inability to take decisive action, moves determinedly forwards in Scorpio, intensifying the power of the New Supermoon. Pent up frustration will find release in petulance from some and violence from others – as people feel freer and clearer in their capacities to make their feelings known.
It’s certainly not ‘the end’ of difficulties yet but, during this Lunar Month, we are likely to become braver and more determined to overcome difficulties and restrictions. This New Moon is a Phoenix, assisting in the regeneration of Beauty, Hope and Re-birthing energy. She rises from the ashes of fire. Greed and corruption will have no place in the future we are creating. We are embarking on a journey to regain our sense of integrity and balance. Our wishes and intentions for the approaching Lunar Month aspire to reflect the highest of Scorpio values – clarity, spirituality and peace. Having more clearly perceived the true nature of problems created by corruption and delusion, we walk past the standing stone and enter the field of the future, glimpsing dreams and possibilities that we could not have even imagined before. We create our future.
“This above all;
To thine own self be true.”
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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