Super New Moon in Libra – 16th October 20:31 (BST)
Full Moon in Taurus – 31st October
“Balance. It was all about balance……. the centre of the seesaw has neither up nor down, but up-ness and down-ness flow through it while it remains unmoved. You had to be the centre of the seesaw so the pain flowed through you, not into you. It was very hard. But she could do it!” Terry Pratchett
We long for balance and harmony, love and peace, rest and stillness. We sit precariously at one end of a shaking seesaw, seeking that pivotal point when whoever or whatever sits opposite us stops shifting, changing or disappearing unexpectedly, plunging us clumsily to the floor – or suddenly gains so much mass and gravity that we are thrown upwards into space and even more nebulous uncertainty.
“What I dream of is an art of balance, of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter – a soothing, calming influence on the mind, rather like a good armchair which provides relaxation from physical fatigue.” Henri Matisse
Libra is a masculine, Cardinal Air sign, ruled by Venus, the goddess of Love and represented by a pair of old-fashioned scales, one either side of the pivotal centre. Libran energy seeks to ‘weigh up’ and balance whatever is placed upon the scales. Air signs represent our thought processes and connections with others. Libra powers our motivation to create harmonious relationships and beauty around us. Cardinality initiates ideas, trends, possibilities and projects.
The image is of a young man, hesitant and thoughtful. He seeks harmony above all else. He quietly weighs up each side and angle of everything and everyone he encounters. Positive relationships, and particularly the pursuit of love, drive him. At his best, he epitomises the beauty, balance and creativity that he seeks in others. Sometimes, his desires for love and peace create storms of emotions, particularly when he senses disharmony, and then he is catapulted into wild imbalance and confusion. The scales tip and the seesaw crashes to the ground. The effects send ripples of unease out into the world around him. At this moment in history, we are being handed an opportunity to establish a stronger sense of balance and peace within ourselves. The positive ‘ripples’ we create will hopefully spread out into the world and will dispel the discord around us!
As the New Moon enters Libra on the 16th, we can focus on our own sense of love, balance and harmony. The astrological environment within which this New Moon manifests is fraught with intensity. We are challenged by the opposition of Mars to the New Moon (closer to the earth than usual). Mars acts spontaneously, directly, decisively – and can be aggressive – and this will be reflected in the world around us. It’s a challenge to retain a sense of peace within the current maelstrom of activity – and Libra brings us an opportunity to weigh up our own values and what we need to do to maintain them.
The established paradigms and structures that humanity has created – and which we have lived within for hundreds of years – are rapidly deconstructing around us. The full strength of the ongoing Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn (square the New Moon) has challenged us to face our own realities without losing balance within difficult times. However, this New Super Moon in Libra seeks to help us to re-centre ourselves.
As we make our intentions and wishes for the approaching New Supermoon in Libra, we need to be aware of the necessity to find and retain our own inner stillness and integrity. We have been rattled by circumstances, wobbled by events and challenged, weighed and tested – big time. Clear intentions made now have intensity and power that will be effective for months to come. Here are some issues on which to focus as the Lunar Month begins:
Suggested meditation: In a quiet space, take some deep breaths and visualise an essence of balance, harmony and peace entering with your breath and spreading throughout your whole body. Become aware of the stillness and beauty within your centre and the potential it contains. Visualise a calm, glowing ball of light and place yourself within it. Emanate peace and light outwards from this point of energy.
Consider the following:
What sounds, sights, textures, smells, tastes, colours and activities currently increase your sense of calm and balance? Can you input anything into your life on a regular basis that will increase your sense of well-being?
What circumstances, environments and activities would be better avoided that ‘unbalance’ you? How can you create clear strategies that will help you to deal with unavoidable negativity in order to preserve your sense well-being and ease?
What plans can you make this month towards the increased harmony of your long-term future? What can you dream into being?
The Cardinality of the New Moon emphasises our ability to make create positive projects and paradigms for the future. What seeds can you plant?
The world in crisis watches the main event of this Lunar Month – the Presidential election in the USA on the 3rd November. We are aware that the result will have repercussions that will affect many people. In the UK, we watch the government’s antics as it struggles to contain the Coronavirus and moves towards making a complete withdrawal from the European Union. Feelings continue to build as opposing views are spouted with vehemence and anger on both ‘left’ and ‘right’ in both countries.
This Super New Moon is intense and powerful. Mars, (closer to the Earth than usual) sits opposite in Aries, creating a tendency for circumstances (human, climate and Earth-based) to ‘kick off’ explosively and unexpectedly. The New Moon (for the third time this year) is also very close to the Earth and sits astride a Grand square (Neptune in Pisces opposite Venus in Virgo and the Nodal Axis – Gemini/Sagittarius), with the Nodes sitting exactly on the ascendant/descendant of the London chart. Neptune, in Pisces, occupies the most elevated position in the New Moon chart for both countries. Amongst the intensity, we can dream, receive visionary concepts and ideas, become more practical in our plans for the future.
Firmly square the Pluto/Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn, the New Moon forms a T-square in her opposition with Mars. The ‘old order’ is challenged and tense. Something has to ‘give’ – and perhaps collapse – as a clearer concept of Reality permeates the collective consciousness. We are likely to be amazed as sensational revelations are unearthed. Extreme behaviour might infiltrate protests and public demonstrations and this is likely to reach heights and depths that might have seemed impossible until relatively recently. Our perceptions of Law and Order and of what is real, unreal, true, untrue will be in focus and we will continue to precariously wobble on our seesaws for a while longer as we reach for stillness and peace!
Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus (Taurus) digs down deeply to dig out secrets, increasing the harsh nature of an inevitable Grand Reveal of Truth. Harsh words are likely to wound and be reciprocated. Thing we have accepted as ‘certainties’ in our lifestyles will be questioned as will the validity of the values we live by. Many will use every trick they can find ‘up their sleeves’ to suppress those who unearth truths and who refuse to be silenced! The Secrets themselves stand arrogantly in front of us like monsters who’ve recently escaped from the dark abyss, murmuring confidently. “What do you think you are going to do about this?” – and within this culture of denial, U-turns and shouts of ‘false news’ at every turn, it will become obvious that something must be done to retrieve the integrity of the media and of politicians! We are being challenged to retain our equilibrium and integrity – whatever we are experiencing!
As we adjust to the changes in the world around us, we are learning what is truly necessary to achieve balance and harmony within both our own lives and within humanity. We are weighing up options and deciding what is truly valuable to us – and what is of less value? Quantity may no longer be perceived as more important than quality. Many seek freedom from the oppression and corruption they suffer from. Many will see the motivations behind the mishandling of crisis by those who make the rules and behind the behaviour of those who create their own truths and untruths from the jungle conspiracy theories that surround us.
The shift of focus from Capricorn to Aquarius is on its way and the changes ‘in the air’ will be more obvious by the beginning of 2021. We prepare for the shift alongside the energy of the Super New Moon in Libra. We are at a powerful moment in time, full of potential, in which our individual behaviours and senses of integrity can have a real impact on the future. We acknowledge that when people are ready to hear the truth, they will do so!
Affirmation: We will plant positive seeds for the future. As we move towards a freer and more secure, balanced and harmonious world, we acknowledge the power of Beauty, the diversity of people, nature and the power of the Cosmos. We will not be thwarted in our determination to spread positive energy and to create harmonious relationships. We will dream well within the eye of the storm and we acknowledge that we have the power to manifest peace and harmony. We will come together as one Humanity.
One Love!
“No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for ‘we’ are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.” Louise L. Hay
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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