New Moon in Aries – 24th March 09:28 (GMT)
Full Moon in Libra – 8th April 03:35
“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars.” Og Mandino
The World turns in on itself and, within the bubble, we seek hands to hold. Many of us are spending more time alone with our thoughts at this time. We are forced to learn the skills of autonomy, self-discipline, nurture and the care and love for ourselves and of others. We develop integrity and spend our time making a strong shield for the journey ahead.
The New Moon in Aries takes place on 24th March. Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign, masculine and ruled by Mars. He is an initiator, an adventurer, a pioneer. He is single minded and determined. His image is of strength, youth and boundless energy. It is difficult for him to remain still for any length of time and, if forced to stay still, he will use his energy to initiate plans, to scheme, to create and to visualize new horizons. Irrepressible, he can be single minded to the point of thoughtlessness – but his sights are focused and his enthusiasm affects everyone around him.
IN A TOTALLY MUNDANE KIND OF WAY (concerning, this month, the politics of both OUTER and INNER worlds!)
At the time of writing we are, worldwide, dealing with the Coronavirus crisis. We are, to greater and lesser extents, thrown in upon ourselves and have to consider what is truly important – and unimportant – to us. The world is suffering a ‘healing crisis’ that is not only affecting the humans who inhabit it but also to the Earth itself. It is wounded. Conjunct as it is to Chiron (the Wounded Healer), this New Moon reveals stark truths that will spark the healing that has been seeding within deeper and higher levels of physicality, consciousness and spirit. We are entering ‘new territory’.
The New Moon in Aries on 24th March is on almost the exact midpoint between the North and South Nodes and square to both. The moment is pivotal. We have a chance for a new beginning that focuses on the tug of war between the old traditions of the past (SN in Capricorn) and the future Fate of all mankind and the Earth itself – our home (NN in Cancer). At the time of the New Moon, the separating Pluto/Saturn conjunction sits either side of a determined Mars that has ignited the Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn into explosive action. Uncomfortable changes and dangers manifest all around us that we cannot ignore. Jupiter will be exactly conjunct Pluto on 5th April. The blatant issues of the inequality between rich and poor, the misuse of power and the rampant greed and corruption are becoming irretrievably and abundantly clear to everyone. The proverbial is hitting the fan and the world watches with open mouths from their homes.
Saturn, the Great Teacher, has, thankfully, edged into Aquarius (from Capricorn), enabling him to change his style of teaching into something altogether more Humanitarian in its approach to the problems of the world. The new lessons will focus on the fact that we need to consider the needs of all – not just the few. Mars will catch Saturn up on 31st March, by which point, society will be waking up to the realisation that urgent reorganisation is necessary for the future of mankind. Meanwhile, new ideas and formulated ideals will be presenting in myriad statements and communications and as Neptune and Mercury (direct 10th March) move through visionary (sometimes confusing!) Pisces. This Lunar month, Uranus and Venus sit in earthy, practical, caring (and sometimes stubborn) Taurus reminding us that everything will improve if we change, rebel, think more innovatively – and start to foster a more compassionate attitude towards each other.
The great Pluto/Saturn conjunction, exact in January, has done its work and many of us feel as if structures are really breaking down. We are experiencing wounds to our personal and global health, disrupted routines and blatantly inept crisis of leadership in many areas of the world. It’s easy to see the flaws in traditional, antiquated structures! Reality has been stripped bare and is laid out before us. To many of us, compassion and generosity throughout society has seemed lacking for some time. Yet, now, little jewelled pockets of love and care are emerging and shining out hopefully through the selfishness and despair as people begin to help each other and to share resources. Health workers and those who provide day to day services are making heroic efforts on our behalf. We still, of course, see clearly those who don’t care about others and seek only to protect themselves – revealed in the spotlight of the world stage in all their grossness! We are learning to discriminate just who and what in our lives embodies a sense of integrity and love.
“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” Oprah Winfrey
Our personal preparations before the cycle begins on 24th March could be vitally important. Never have our intentions been more pertinent or our wishes more charged. Selectivity, purity of intention and clear goals are key. Restricted freedom of movement may even serve us well by giving us time to concentrate on what is important. What can we contribute individually towards building the foundations for a brighter future? Here are some issues to consider as we formulate our intentions before the New Moon:
Use meditation and/or quiet contemplation to help clarify your approach to the Aries New Moon Cycle.
I honestly believe that things can only improve from here – even though we may have to be patient for a few more months before the seeds that are planted now can grow. We are living through dramatic times and we must ‘keep our own council’ and integrity. We access the strength and self-determination of Aries and, like Aries, we refuse to be consumed by fear. We are at the start of an acceleration of active change. This could be a very productive time on our personal levels – despite limitations that may be imposed upon us. Practicality, compassion and self-discipline will assert themselves. Great and necessary healing will begin to manifest from the chaos and must be nurtured carefully by every one of us in the same way that the precious seeds under our feet are beginning to manifest within this Spring-time energy. (Spring Equinox: 20th March)
We suffer, we heal, we learn our lessons – and we move forwards with LOVE, in LIGHT and in TRUTH from this moment.
“Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.”
Wayne Dyer
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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