New Moon in Aquarius – 24th January 21:42 (GMT)
Full Moon in Leo – 9th February 07:33
“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine — it is lethal.” Paulo Coelho
The New Moon in Aquarius on 24th January at 21:42 marks the start of a long phase of massive change. Like a news reader announcing a new, fresh astrological phase (as if….. !) we are made aware that the changes are about to begin – but will not be fully established until the end of the year. Many of us have been aware that something has been ‘in the pipeline’ for a while and have been waiting for this important announcement! With the arrival of this New Moon we are, at last, being given a taste of the incoming energy and the nature of the changes to come.
We still have some time to go as structures – leviathan-like in their Capricorn slowness and heaviness – continue their decomposing processes (Saturn conjunct Pluto)! However, the Nodal Axis will leave the grip of Capricorn for Sagittarius/Gemini and Saturn will enter Aquarius in April, losing his hold on Pluto. We can, at last, begin to smell the approaching changes. Like a breath of fresh air wafting into a stuffy, enclosed room, we sense it and we can start to prepare ourselves to leave behind what has become constrictive, earth-bound space and to enter Aquarian energy.
Aquarius is a masculine Air sign, fixed and ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion. The image is of a cool, rebellious young man, his head full of ideas about how to improve the lives of the people he meets. He creates new innovative projects to help humanity and to educate them about the latest, amazing and useful technologies. He is passionate in his desire to care for the Earth and the environment and he holds strong moral values. New ways of thinking and doing are what he is about. He is impatient with anyone who refuses to think outside the small, restrictive boxes within which they may have lived for years – all those who are determined to stick to their old structures and routines despite the obvious changes needed. He encourages change and rebellion and encourages the people around him to develop their individual strengths and talents in order to create cohesive, vibrant, forward looking and creative communities for the future. ‘Tradition’ is neither exciting or relevant to the energy of Aquarius and anyone who tries to tell him to keep to old fashioned structures and concepts is likely to be told ‘where to go’! He is a rebel who encourages others to follow his visions and his lead.
At the start of this Lunar Month, we can begin our individual preparations for the deconstruction of any irrelevant practises and beliefs we hold – and to plan the reconstruction of any areas of our lives (big or small) that might need re-thinking. We need to examine our fundamental values and to become more in line with the Aquarian energy of the future. Restructuring and rebuilding is important for all of us. Here are some issues to consider for examination and a personal ‘overhaul’ (a pre-Spring, Spring Clean!) – as we consider our intentions and wishes for the New Moon on the 24th.
We might feel confused as the changes in the energy around us feels as if it is ‘speeding up’! It’s important to prioritise what we might need to change within ourselves. Here are some details to consider:
This New Moon in Aquarius heralds a future rebirth and a revolutionary change of a magnitude that will affect every living thing on earth. Humanity is about to start transiting away from materialism into a more eclectic, humanitarian era, changing its fundamental value systems. With Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct the South Node in Capricorn, we have recently become more aware of the reality of the motivations of many of the world’s leaders! As the year progresses from the New Moon into the shift towards Aquarian energy, any underground activities and corruption left hidden will inevitably be revealed in all their ‘glory’. How will the shifts in energy play out?
At the moment of New Moon (conjunct Mercury), Uranus in Taurus is closely square the New Moon and Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces is square Mars in Sagittarius. (NB: Will the sea show her full strength somewhere in the world?) The necessity of creating a global, more humanitarian structuring of Humanity may start to be mooted – and probably has already been secretly resisted so far! We are starting to adjust our values. It will be difficult for ‘authority’ to refuse to acknowledge the validity of necessary change by the time Pluto moves into Aquarius himself in March 2023. By then huge changes throughout the world are likely to be well on their way.
It’s likely to become impossible not to acknowledge that fairer, more humanitarian ways of distributing the Earth’s resources are vital. Disputes and battles involving values and belief systems, however, are inevitable. By December, Saturn and Jupiter will have moved conjunct in Aquarius. Technology is likely to leap ahead in a short space of time and new inventions, technologies and paradigms for future structures of all kinds are likely to be made public. We are likely to all become unavoidably fully aware of the damage we have done to the Earth by the time the Aquarian energy gets fully underway. Community-based and other alternative ways of living are more in line with the growing, sharing and preserving of resources will inevitably begin to have a higher profile.
Many people may begin to feel this month, as if they are being forced to ‘run’ to catch up with accelerated revelations and changes – too much all at once after seemingly few changes in basic structures for many years. Hopefully, this New Moon will herald the beginning of a new awareness and the majority of people might, at last, begin to understand the flaws, corruption and immoral practises of those ‘in charge’ – creating more energy for change.
Aquarius’ opposite sign is Leo, ruled by the Sun and ruling the heart. It’s worth remembering that the darker side of Aquarius energy can be overly cool and objective in its focus and its urge for change. Balance is necessary! We know already that technology (ruled by Uranus) has the potential to give us wonderful increased contact with each other – but can also leave us isolated behind computers and mobile phones. It’s vital that we tune in to Love and Heart energy and that we nurture an awareness of being motivated primarily from our hearts and not our heads. At the point of New Moon, Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces is square Mars – injecting us with a strong dose of LOVE, COMPASSION and ENERGY! We are encouraged to turn our faces towards LIGHT, empathy and compassion.
Aquarius recognises the power of people when they are united in compassion towards all of Humanity and the Earth in a common cause. He embraces the value of science and new, vibrant technology and he understands the strength of community and caring. We are stepping into a Brave New World!
Power to the People!
“A ship is always safe at the shore but that is not what it is built for” Albert Einstein
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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