New Moon in Scorpio – 4th November 21:14 (GMT)
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus – 19th November
“Truth is the best arrow and courage the finest bow.” Eva Ritchie
Outside, under a clear, dark sky, the stars begin to appear around us. They twinkle in anticipation as the Moon moves to join the Sun in Scorpio. We take our seats in the theatre, ready for the play of the New Moon Cycle to begin. The energy of Scorpio is particularly intense this month and the moment is filled with poignancy and dramatic emphasis. This is likely to be a very dramatic month. The red velvet curtain rises on the stage and we quiver in anticipation, hoping that the play will offer us increased understanding within a chaotic world. The sound of secrets being whispered loudly offstage is heard. The characters will soon show themselves and their words will be spoken clearly onstage. By the end of the play, we know we will be wiser and better informed. Our excitement grows.
Welcome the New Moon in Scorpio – another opportunity for a new beginning. Scorpio is a fixed, water sign, ruled by Pluto. The energy is as deep and emotionally intense as perfume concentrate! It manifests on many levels. Scorpio has three different expressions – that of scorpion, eagle and phoenix. It is many things: sudden death, rebirth and all things hidden and not often spoken about. It is both perversion and sensual desire, rare jewels of Truth emerging from darkest depths and the ugliness of corrupt secrets crawling out from darkest shadows. It is imprisonment and free, magical flights of fantasy. It is passionate love and insane jealousy, forensics and thorough research. It is voluptuous, overwhelming beauty! Most amazing of all is the potential for complete transformation. It is the possibility that life can morph into something completely different in a single moment.
The New Moon is opposite revolutionary Uranus in Taurus and conjunct Mars in Scorpio (9 degrees orb). There is urgency and determination surrounding this New Moon. Uranus and the New Moon are square to Saturn in Aquarius, forming a T square in water, earth and air. The element of fire is represented by the presence of fiery Mars in Scorpio, square Saturn – full of courage and determination and ready to confront and conquer all obstacles. A Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurs on the 19th. Mercury in Libra is trine Jupiter and square Pluto at the time of New Moon and moves into Scorpio late on 5th. More extreme weather, earthquakes, explosive events that will finally wake many up to the necessity of change and transformation? The Sun enters freedom-loving, adventurous, philosophical Sagittarius on 22nd. Time for life to take a transformative leap into the future!
So – the actors are ready, the bow string has been pulled back and we tense with it, quivering with expectation before the arrow is released and the drama begins. What truths and revelations might be revealed? Which surprising events might occur? Adding to the astrological landscape, is the opposition to the New Moon of Uranus in Taurus (the rebel, screaming for revolutionary change). He demands that we value the Earth by protecting our environment and by holding the family of mankind together in a spirit of community. What secrets will be revealed and events happen by the time the play reaches its climax at the point of the Full Moon/Eclipse in Taurus on 19th November? Uranus in Taurus suggests the possibility of major revolutionary events affecting the flow of money, stability of the Earth, food supplies, politics. We might imagine the course of the plot of the play to come but the reality is likely to contain shocks and surprises.
Saturn, in Aquarius, squaring to both Moon/Sun and Uranus takes the role of a kindly Father, examining our behaviour and suggesting that we urgently get on with our efforts to deal with dramatic revelations and other problems. There is great purpose in this ‘T square scene’. As protector, teacher and disciplinarian, Saturn demands that we must remember the passing of Time and become better at dealing with situations before they get out of control.
This Scorpionic New Moon reminds us how much Pluto’s movement through the sign of Capricorn has affected us over the last few years. Humanity and the Earth itself are still experiencing intense and necessary changes caused by climate change, the Covid epidemic and other political and economic circumstances. Planetary transits affect us on all levels and our self-perceptions have also been going through changes. Many of us are honing our belief systems and personal lifestyles. We are examining our priorities and searching our souls for Truth and meaning. Many have been forced by external circumstances into examining their integrity and judgements of others – and making adjustments and changes.
As the curtain rises on this New Moon Cycle in Scorpio, the North Node/South Node axis remains in Gemini/Sagittarius for the time being. We think, discuss, and philosophise about the past, while remaining, as yet, uncertain about the future. The New Moon is trine Neptune in Pisces which adds an awareness of the ‘bigger picture’ and the spiritual, cosmic, creative dimensions contained within the state of ‘being human’! We’re invited to search creatively for solutions to problems and to become more inventive. Retrograde at the New Moon, Neptune goes direct within this cycle on 1st December. This month, secrets cannot and will not stay hidden and, once emerged, they are likely to send shockwaves world-wide that are impossible to ignore. Adding to this, the Sun enters Sagittarius on 22nd November, changing our energy from inwards to outward, focus! Mercury square Pluto and trine Jupiter will move into Scorpio late on the 5th. There will be no hiding from media communications for many who would rather control and silence them! The truth will be OUT and be spoken, written – and shouted – about, much to the embarrassment (and anger) of those involved in scandals, corruption and misuse of money and power. This is a time also when we are likely to choose to ‘speak our own truths’ more readily and confidently in terms of what we believe and what we – and others – need.
On a personal level, we have a lot to consider as we carefully form our wishes and intentions for the approaching New Moon in Scorpio. Here are some suggestions:
Meditation: Thoughts, wishes and visions can become significant reality when made with strong intentions at times of an intense and powerful New Moon! Here are some suggestions for focus.
We are moving into circumstances where we become more conscious of the needs of all Humanity as a whole. We are beginning to examine less consumer lead, wasteful and community-based possibilities for living. Perhaps, we are beginning to understand that society is not healthy if we create victims through an imbalance of access to resources and wealth. Both capitalistic and socialist paradigms may well be in a process of re-examination and overhaul by the time Pluto finally moves quietly into Aquarius in 2024!
We line up the arrows of our individual wishes and desires and examine our dreams. We aim to make the most of this energy, trusting we will be aiming at worthy targets. We aim to be catapulted from night and a state of transformation into the reality of a new dawn.
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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