New Moon in Pisces 13th March 10:21 (GMT)
Full Moon in Libra 28th March
“In the depths of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond and, like seeds dreaming beneath the snow, your heart dreams of Spring. Trust the dreams, for within them is hidden the gate to eternity…”
Kahlil Gibran
Neptune breathes a sigh of relief as the New Moon in Pisces stands on one side of him and Venus on the other – re-enforcing his determination to raise the consciousness of mankind. Their combined force radiates pure Love and Light towards the Earth. We bathe in their encouragement to open to the energy and to raise our vibrations to higher levels.
This is a huge opportunity to develop our awareness of One-ness and our connectivity to each other – and to the earth on which we walk. Sextile Pluto, the New Moon connects us still with old, deeply ingrained and negative emotional patterns and allows even more ‘left over’ secrets to rise up into the open. Now is the time to clear ourselves of remaining negativity. We are encouraged and cajoled forwards – and upwards – by the New Moon, although we remain aware that, with Pluto remaining in Capricorn for a while yet, the deconstruction of old patterns is still incomplete. We look upwards at glimpses of silver linings appearing in the clouds and focus our attention away from the underworld that we may have been forced to deal with over the past few difficult months.
Pisces is a Water sign, Mutable and ruled by Neptune. He is pure love, spirit, creativity, music, dance, poetry and art. He is nebulous, like a vaporous cloud that changes shape as we watch. He is magical and mysterious with one foot on Earth and one in the sky. He twirls and dances around us, a smiling and beautiful being. His consciousness sometimes wanders into other dimensions and away from the one in which his feet are moving. Sometimes he appears to have form and substance and sometimes he seems to disappear. He can veil reality. If we join in wholeheartedly with his dance, he will share his visions and help us to create some of our own. He will stimulate the left side of our brain so that we can dream of entirely new possibilities which have existed beyond the realms of our experience until now. He flows, he feels, he emotes instinctively and reactively. He is a dreamer and weaver of fantasies and he lights up the creative seeds that have lain dormant within all of us until this moment.
However, Water has many moods and takes many shapes! Pisces is tranquil pools, gurgling rivers, ice, a blanket of snow – and crashing, terrifying tsunamis. An intensity of energy in Pisces is unlikely to bring total clarity for us – yet. Around him, communication itself is different, sometimes musical and vague, and often strangely telepathic. He reminds us that we are a small part of the collective consciousness of Humanity and that we move in synchronicity with everything in the Universe. We need the energy of the New Moon in Pisces to help us to dream ourselves out of the torpor in which many of us have existed over the last few months and onwards into the future when our dreams will become reality.
Our task, before the New Lunar Month begins, is to open fully to the energy of Pisces (Sun, Moon, Neptune and Venus) and to the beauty of the energy. Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury in airy Aquarius seek to increase global awareness and consciousness, reminding us of our individual power and adding to the potency of our wishes, dreams and intentions at this time. We are moving into an Aquarian era which will be with us over the next 20 years or so and at this potent moment, using the creativity of our combined minds and visionary strength, we will become more capable of manifesting what we dream.
The New Moon in Pisces stimulates our imagination and is an important opportunity for a new start, driven by dreams and aspirations, using both technology and innovation. When creating our intentions and wishes this month, however, we need to be aware that Neptune conjunct the New Moon can also veil the truth and brings issues concerning trust to our attention. Whatever we wish, we need to be aware that, when the Spring Equinox occurs on the 21st, and the Sun enters Aries, we begin the new astrological year. Our dreaming is potent! If our wishes come from our hearts and our truth, made with loving and positive intentions, we can be confident in their ultimate manifestation.
Affirmation: We trust in positive energy of Pisces and are working towards achieving a state of Higher Consciousness.
In the USA, President Biden has taken charge. Covid vaccination has been implemented globally. In the UK, the NHS-organised vaccine program is already making inroads into the spread of the Covid virus, despite sometimes bewildering ‘lock down’ restrictions and the (equally bewildering!) relaxing of them in certain areas of society. There is still confusion and suffering as a result of both Covid and the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. As the astrological patterns around us evolve, the flaws in structures based on older systems become more obviously inadequate and our collective consciousness slowly evolves in synchronicity (perhaps not as quickly as some might hope). The Aquarian energy is bringing with it the realisation that we can’t ‘return to normal’ and perhaps ‘normal’ was, in many ways, inadequate and unrealistic.
The much-discussed (astrologically!) Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius continues to challenge and raise our awareness of collective responsibility towards the health and happiness of each other and towards the Earth. Aquarius-influenced, we are slowly realising that we need not be the victim of anyone! Mars has entered Gemini on 4th March, bringing energy, enthusiasm, daring! As we begin the New Lunar Cycle, Chiron in Aries is trine the South Node (7 degrees) and sextile to both Saturn and Mars in Gemini (5 degrees). Mars and the North Node are both trine Saturn conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. It seems that we may be forced to see the stark reality of present global wounds and may also be catapulted into dealing urgently with necessary changes. The sound of the new Aquarian engine seems to be rapidly moving from a quiet purr into a powerful roar, which promises action.
We are increasingly aware of the shifting of gears around us. Neptune remains square to the Nodal axis – but the aspect is waning as we move closer towards the possibility of a new era of global thinking and changes in behaviour. The uncovering of past and present deceptions and secrets – and the consequential realisations and acknowledgement of fresh Truths continues as our global energy shifts towards a higher level of consciousness. Pisces can enable instinctive (even psychic) contact with each other. It seems that even the manner of our communications will be subtly undergoing change. The New Moon in Pisces, closely conjunct Neptune and Venus, brings love, balance, enlightenment and a growing realisation that we can be both powerful individuals and have compassion and responsibility towards each other! We are, I believe, on the threshold of creating different paradigms of existence. This is our opportunity to trust in the power of ‘dreaming our dream and walking into it’ and to visualise possibilities that we wish to manifest for our own futures – before Aries energy kick starts those dreams.
Our awareness of our responsibilities towards each other grows – and rebellions and outcries concerning unfairness and imbalance inevitably manifest as we leave past structures behind and move rapidly forwards. We have been waiting for a long overdue ‘leap of learning’ for some time! Just a week after the New Moon Cycle begins, the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th March. The Spring Equinox! Clarity, direction! We will begin to birth the lessons and the realities of the last few months, which began at the Winter Solstice – manifesting concrete and positive initiatives from what have, up to now, been wistful and formless dreams.
What next will Humanity dream into being – and in which direction will it move? We have the opportunity to become more enlightened if we choose to be so. We are the co-creators of our future. We choose our direction. We are one consciousness and one Love.
“We are each of us angels with only one wing and we can only fly by embracing each other.” – Luciano de Crescenzo
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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