New Moon in Capricorn & Solar Eclipse – 26th December 05:13
Full Moon in Cancer & Lunar Eclipse – 10th January 19:21
‘All great changes are preceded by chaos’. Deepak Chopra
We are born into a dream and we spend our lives searching for ourselves within that dream. We experience everything we see, hear, smell, sense and feel subjectively from the perceptions that emanate from the individuality we were born with. From the centre of our own worlds, we hold our beliefs and build our structures. All of our opinions and decisions emanate from this powerful place. We choose to be optimistic or pessimistic in our response to the people, events and situations that we encounter around us. We create our own boundaries.
True objectivity is almost impossible. However, the Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse on the 26th encourages us to see our structures in a more objective manner and to create a fresh, truthful and clear autonomy in the way that we go forward at this pivotal time. She reminds us that we are capable of reconstructing the very fabric that drives our perceptions of our worlds from which we create our lifestyles. As powerful beings, we acknowledge that, despite our subjectivity, we are being given an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of who we truly are, to assess, make plans and create new structures for our future.
We are at the beginning of a period of far reaching, inevitable changes as we start this new decade. Capricorn is an Earth sign. She is feminine, Cardinal and ruled by Saturn. The image is that of a powerful, practical and creative lady – capable of organising herself and others and of taking full responsibility for her own actions. She is active, articulate and hard working.
The New Moon opposes the North Node and trines Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter, the South Node, Saturn and Pluto are all also, in Capricorn. Mercury, at 25 degrees of Sagittarius at the moment of New Moon, joins the compounded, Capricornian energy within 3 days of the New Moon.
There is an acute intensity in the energy and momentum that surrounds us with every planet moving direct, apart from Uranus. Power, it seems, has been abused throughout the world. We are to become aware that all power – including the way that we treat ourselves and the power that we give to others – is potentially harmful unless it is used with responsibility. We can change the strength of our own power and our relationship to the power that others hold over us.
This is an opportunity to make a giant bound forward in our awareness and self motivation. It’s time to make a New Start of epic proportions and we need to think carefully as we plan and prepare before the New Moon/Solar eclipse on 26th December (UK time). Here are some points to consider before we can clarify our intentions and wishes.
Capricorn energy, although traditionally resistant to change, nevertheless always assists us in reconstruction when it becomes necessary. There has not been such a concentration of energy in Capricorn for 700 years (and the last Pluto/Saturn conjunction was approximately 500 years ago). It’s becoming clear that present social structures are neither efficient or fit for purpose. Major changes are likely to unfold over the next six months – the ‘reach’ of powerful solar eclipse energy (as opposed to the usual Lunar month ‘reach’ of approximately four weeks). This New Moon is extremely powerful. Capricorn perceptively reassesses the nature of the circumstances and plans and initiates the best way forwards. Humanity is heading into new territory. We need to trust in our own process and the journey.
The energy of this Lunar Month encompasses the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, exact on 10th January Full Moon (a Lunar Eclipse). Saturn represents structure, lessons to be learned and responsibility. Pluto is the Great Transformer and Breaker of Structures. This conjunction is likely to specifically affect both the UK and the US (their birth charts being Capricorn and Cancer suns respectively). The Solar Eclipse/New Moon on the 26th gives us a massive statement that it is time to ‘put our houses in order’ both personally and on a global level. Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus compounds the energy. Jupiter conjunct the New Moon, reminds us that it is possible for everyone to receive abundance – not just the few!
Meanwhile, the Conservative government has recently been re-elected in the UK, Trump bi passes any attempts to move him on and the traditional ‘status-quo’ appears to be protecting the ‘old order’ by using any methods it can! The Saturn/Pluto conjunction assures us that corruption will ‘out’ and finds it harder to hide the Truth. Mars, in Scorpio on the ascendant in London, is sextile the Saturn/Pluto conjunction and inconjunct the North Node. There are likely to be important changes in value systems throughout the world and this is likely to bring about a crisis in the world financial markets.
In many areas of the world, deconstruction and clearing away of old, outdated attitudes – compounded by a blindness towards the health of the Earth itself – may not even seem to have even started. It will. A Saturn/Pluto conjunction brings with it unavoidable and cataclysmic effects. The fight for fairness and more equality towards the sharing of resources throughout all ‘levels’ of society will rage on until something ‘gives way’. Within this present astrological climate, the old structures will eventually inevitably deconstruct before they can be rebuilt. There is no place in the future for those who wallow in comfort and opulence at the expense of others. The fabric of society – and the old attitudes and prejudices ingrained within it – are long overdue demolition and total rebuild. The inequality of society will be redressed.
At the time of writing, preparations for Christmas are well on their way and the Winter Solstice has occurred early in the morning of the 22nd December. There’s a traditional feeling of Love and Hope for the future – but it holds a poignancy at this time beyond anything that has gone before in our life times. There is increased awareness in some people of the needs of the homeless and the presence of the appalling amount of displaced refugees as a result of war and famine.There’s always more generosity towards those in need at this time of year but maybe the astrology of the moment might encourage our responsibility to spread into the New Year.
As everything seems to crumble around us globally, we need the energy of Capricorn to hold us together and to help us plan for the future. Within this atmosphere, we can fully understand the importance of taking responsibility for ourselves – how we will think and act in the creation of the world of the future that will inevitably emerge. We must hold fast to our visions and connect with our own power.
Plans for reconstruction must start to simmer. Many may consider taking radical steps towards establishing alternative ways of living. We are powerful beings, capable of creating our own destinies. We have a responsibility to take an active part in the ‘new build’ and the nature of the future that the generations to come will live in. We need the FREEDOM for all to express, to create, to travel, to interact, to dream, to achieve and to enjoy the luxury of increased self knowledge! We need to care for our planet.
Here’s a toast to equality, to better times, to Peace, to new structures emerging from the old – and to a future where all people can enjoy the bountiful nature of the Earth.
Happy Solstice, Christmas and New Year to people of all races and beliefs throughout the World! Peace.
‘May you live in interesting times.’ (English expression – thought to have been derived from an ancient Chinese curse)
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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