New Moon in Capricorn 13th January 05:00 (GMT)
Full Moon in Leo 28th January
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” Chief Seattle, 1854
Pluto, still firmly in Capricorn, confronts the New Moon as Sun and Moon meet at 23 degrees, just a degree behind him. “Is it a new beginning you desire?” he whispers to them. “Perhaps you do – but I haven’t finished yet. The status quo remains – for now. Mars conjuncts Uranus (4 degree orb) and Saturn/Jupiter/Mercury (conjunct) squares them both. Do they announce my final battle for power? Be ready Humanity, for the final revelations and the deaths that still lie before us on the road! Only when all seems lost will old structures start to be replaced. Only then can the rebirth of the New Age truly begin!”
The New Moon energy on the 13th is powerful and restless. These days remain intense! She is a caged animal screaming for our release – and to continue with her journey. Capricorn is symbolised by the image of the Goat. Feminine, Earthy, ruled by Saturn and Cardinal in nature, Capricorn rules the very bones of structure itself – both those outside of ourselves and those within. She is Wisdom, Disciplinarian and Teacher – focussing us on the weaknesses and difficulties still to overcome and positive manifestation of the lessons we have learned. She may seem rigid, blinkered and cold but, wild eyed, she represents the spirit of Cardinality, innovation, forward planning, focus, new initiatives and the potential for us to overcome all obstacles we find in our path with clear objectives and hard work. She is the goat who steadily makes her way up the dangerous and rocky mountain to reach the sunlight and the lush, green leaves she has seen at the summit. Slowly and steadily, she works her way upwards.
Seven planets stand closely together alongside this first, potent New Moon of 2021 (within 14 degrees). Three remain in Capricorn (Sun, Moon and Pluto at 23/24 degrees – with the addition of Venus also at 5 degrees). Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury have moved into Aquarius. The tight square from the Aquarian planets to Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus is powerful (Venus trines them). On the 14th, Uranus goes stationary direct. It is, indeed, not over yet. By now, however, we should have absorbed enough new information (from the alignment of the Nodal Axis with the centre of the Universe) to have shifted and expanded our collective consciousness – even though secrets, shocks, corruption and unrest continue to rock us. The Nodes remain on the Sagittarian/Gemini axis, in tight T-square to Neptune in Pisces. What have we learned spiritually, physically and emotionally from the unusual events of 2020? Have we developed more awareness, more compassion – and more Love for each other?
We are directed to prepare for the approaching Lunar Month using recent experiences and through our dreams and imagination – finding innovative and practical solutions to problems caused by misplaced power, greed and insensitivity. The New Moon focusses us on the nature of uncreative and redundant structures – both inner and outer, some that Humanity has established over centuries.
Affirmation: We ended 2020 with more knowledge of who we are as individuals within one Humanity. We have realised that we need new paradigms that will be more relevant to our lives at this time in history. Over the last year, we have coped with fear, restriction and emotional confusion. This Lunar Month, we re-evaluate ourselves. We are ready to recreate ourselves, making new structures that are fit for our (new) purpose. Like snakes, shedding old skins before the first New Moon of 2021, we welcome this opportunity to focus on what we want to become. We choose and we create our intentions and wishes for a New Beginning in a New Year. We are enabled to ‘change gear’ and ‘up our game’. We lay new foundations in keeping with our shifting beliefs. We plan with clarity and an increased understanding:
Lakota Prayer: “Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery, teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my Sacred Space and love beyond my fear, and thus walk in Balance with the passing of each glorious Sun.”
We search for better structures, more security and a sense of order. The astrological story has presented us with crisis after crisis. However, the tightening elastic band wears thin and is starting to break as the pace of change speeds up and planets move from Earth to Air – Capricorn to Aquarius. On the 6th January, when Mars moved into the sign of Taurus, it felt as if a painful boil was lanced as the events took place in Washington, USA (the attack on the Capitol). The consequences of negative propaganda and extremities of opinions within society were exposed for all to see. The Truths exposed within the revelations that followed have been potentially world changing.
Pluto and Mercury were conjunct on the 4th – and Mars moved into Taurus on 6th. The square from Pluto to Mars, (8 degree orb) at the time of the New Moon, creates more tension and adds to the build-up of energy as Mars moves towards conjunction to Uranus on the 20th, the day of the presidential inauguration. We can only speculate as to how this will play out. The strength and unpredictability of planetary movements are likely to continue to create shocking events for a while. We expect continued anger, rebellion, impulsiveness, negativity and incendiary communications. We also hope for positive CHANGE.
In Britain, the reality of developing events caused by the administration of the pandemic, of Brexit, of inequality and corruption is being exposed. Such has been the power of the dominance of planets in Capricorn, that perhaps we have become desensitised into numbness. Broken promises, survival and the necessity to cope with conspiracy theories, incompetence and media propaganda have inevitably caused confusion among many people. It will take time to realise what the shift of energy into humanitarian Aquarius will mean in terms of a new reality. Which old structures are likely to disintegrate as Truth dawns to many in the UK?
Gears continue to change as shifts in consciousness and collective awareness progress. During the Lunar Month that begins on 13th, volatility caused by releasing tension is likely to run high. Which groups in society will react to the battle cry for rebellion screamed from the Uranus/Mars conjunction on 20th January? (It is possible that the Earth herself might also experience shifts that reflect the tumult of energy.)
As we gird our loins in preparation for the intensity of what could unfold in the month ahead, we look towards the top of the mountain, keeping our individual visions of the ‘green leaves’ we are straining to reach in mind! What will help us to balance the tension? We look towards the practical energy of Virgo, the sign that rules the empty space of the tense T-Square involving the Nodal Axis square Neptune in Pisces for resolution. We hope to find Peace, Calm, Love and a return to common sense within the sign of Virgo as she offers us organised, sensible and earthy solutions if we care to hear them. We trust – and move onwards and upwards, step by practical step.
No demolition of a structure has ever happened quietly!
“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realise their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers…At the centre of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), And that this centre is really everywhere. It is within each of us. This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this. The second peace is that which is made between two individuals – and the third is that which is made between two nations.
But above all you should understand that there can never be peace between nations until there is known that true peace, which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men.”
Black Elk, Oglala Sioux & Spiritual Leader (1863 – 1950)
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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