New Moon in Leo – 1st August 04:11 (BST)
Full Moon in Aquarius – 15th July 13:29
There’s joy in the potential of creating a new beginning, in leaving the past behind with respect – and going forward with courage, love and optimism.
A strong seed of optimism grows within the crisis of confusion surrounding us. Planets challenge each other and playing tug of war above our heads and beneath our feet. On 1st August, the New Moon in Leo is flanked by Venus and Mars – yin and yang – creating an opportunity for us all to seek a pivotal point of strength and stillness between see-sawing energies. We are ready to make use of the power encapsulated in the strength of Leonine energy – which is turbo charged with purposeful action and love.
Leo is a Fire sign. Fixed and ruled by the Sun himself, he embodies pure heart energy, reflecting the characteristics of the Lion, the symbol that represents him. The image is of a wild and powerful Creative – dignified, confident and in control – a charismatic combination! Fiercely protective, he focusses on fulfilling his own needs and those of his family by seeking and collecting the resources with which to feed and nurture. He is emotionally driven, expressing his feelings through passionate displays of love and anger. Very aware of the forces that surround him, he can be over sensitive and volatile when he senses danger – and ferociously defensive when his equilibrium is threatened. He dislikes being forced to change his habits or to move far from his home but will do so with dignity and directness if he has to. It’s a good time to have this energy on our side as we struggle with the adjustments and changes we may be needing to make in our personal lives – and to adjust to what is happening around us in the wider world!
The issues that are presently ‘rocking our world’ are likely to cause anxiety (New Moon trine Chiron in Aries and square Uranus in Taurus) and our delicate balance and equilibrium might be wobbled in response. We are understandably in need of reassurance at this time and might crave displays of love, approval and appreciation from others in order to validate our sense of personal value. We are also likely to be ultra-sensitive to others’ opinions, giving rise to displays of dramatics. Unfortunately, we are unlikely to escape the possibility of those on the ‘public stage’ behaving in the same way! We need to avoid being over-sensitive to perceived criticism from others and to make use of our creativity, integrity and resourcefulness in the way that we approach changes. It’s a pivotal and important point in time.
Suggested meditation: Sitting still, connect with the earth beneath you, the cosmos surrounding you and the spirit within and become aware of the stillness, peace and potential power deep within your heart. Visualise it as the place from which your truth, creativity and personal power can shine outwards into the world. Be prepared to re-connect often with your heart energy as you travel through this Lunar Month.
The next Conservative Prime Minister in the UK was announced on 23rd July. It seems as if, at present, nothing much is likely to change as we continue to mirror the right wing trend of politics throughout the world. The perpetual Brexit negotiations, the ‘blame’ culture reflected in the media and the seemingly oblivious attitude towards social deprivation being experienced in many areas of UK and US society, drags on in repetitive rhetoric that appears unable to come to any conclusions – apart from the obvious underlying desire to protect those who ‘have’ and to deprive further those who ‘have not’. (Pluto/Saturn ongoing conjunction opposite Mercury at the time of the New Moon and the involvement of the Nodal axis.)
However, there’s also potential for fiery, positive action and things could, unexpectedly, be about to change even though the more negative side of Leonine energy – the potential for egotistical posturing and ‘bluff’ may, for a while, enable leaders to continue to strut their same old stuff by promising changes – but actually being too fixed and stuck in their ways to move anywhere far from their usual position.
Thankfully, Mercury goes direct on the 2nd August, adding to the possibility of a ‘new beginning’. The ‘fixed’ nature of everything may get an unexpected ‘kick start’! In London, the New Moon in Leo occurs in the first house of the chart and the stellium of Venus, New Moon and Mars potentially lends more dignity as to how we, in the UK, are perceived by the rest of the world (or might we be seen as a lion, roaring ferociously but his noise, in fact, having little meaning?). The 1776 USA birth chart shows transiting Mercury conjunct natal Mercury and Pluto only 6 degrees from natal Pluto. Inevitable and radical changes – perhaps! Leo energy is optimistic, energetic and forceful – and transformation is long overdue. In both the USA and UK, inspiring communication, movement, adjustment and positive changes are all possible this month – if those in power attune to the higher levels of the energy. (Mars/New Moon trine Jupiter).
The Astrological Climate challenges governments to rethink the old, outworn policies that hold us hostage in stagnant, fixed situations (Uranus squares the New Moon conjunct Venus – Pluto/South Node/Saturn in Capricorn opp. Mercury conj. North Node), The urgency for radical reorganisation might be triggered by sudden unexpected crisis that no one was expecting (Mars sesqui-quadrate Chiron and Uranus square). These may seem to have come from ‘nowhere’. However, they are manifesting from a seething mire of beliefs and policies based on ancient concepts and these must change if the future has any chance of becoming brighter. The ideas – that war solves conflict, that some people are more important and valuable than others and that ‘value systems’ can be based on skin colour, religion – or the ability to make money – are long overdue a ‘plutonic overhaul’! For instance, the current practise of separating children from their parents and incarcerating them indefinitely when families attempt to enter the ‘Land of the Free’ – ironically for a better life – is unjust and cruel. Time to rethink the ingrained beliefs underlining this and current parallel atrocities taking place all over the world.
What can we do to rebalance ourselves in order that we might help in the necessary re-balancing of the world? Strengthening our own sense of self, clarifying our beliefs and intentions and consciously acting from our heart energy may contribute more than we might imagine. (Pluto/South Node/Saturn conjunction opposite Mercury/North Node, Mercury/Chiron trine the New Moon and Neptune trine Mercury/North Node.)
At this New Moon (and if we are wise and emotionally intelligent enough to understand), the Cosmos invites us all to ‘do our bit’ in challenging injustices and imbalances. The magic of Leo – of optimism, courage, confidence and creativity – is all around us and the glass may well be half full and not half empty!
Never has there been a better moment to let love radiate strongly from the integrity of our hearts out into the world.
We will speak our hearts and walk our talk with conscious respect to the Earth and each other.
May our LOVE shine brightly!
“Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.” Dorothy Parker
Such a powerful New Moon calls for us to consider the wishes, and intentions we make for the lunar month ahead with great care. Here are some possibilities to consider before we embark on this potentially powerful journey
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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