New Moon in Aquarius – 4th February 21:03 (GMT)
Full Moon in Virgo – 19th February 15:53
“I still believe we are one people. I still believe that together, we can do great things, even when the odds are long.” Barack Obama
Welcome, the Aquarian New Moon 2019!
“WE ARE ONE”. Yes, we are – but there are those who believe otherwise. If humanity truly works together as one, we will have a better chance of solving the problems that surround us. Many fail to realise the probability that everything we say and do doesn’t stay within the boundaries of our own lives. Each action, each thought we have, affects others – sometimes profoundly. We are individual molecules within one sea of Humanity. We move as One, each individual surging and swimming within the moving currents, fuelled by the cosmic wind, motivated by what is in our hearts – connecting and separating like starlings making ever changing patterns in the sky.
The New Moon on the 4th takes place at 21.03. She sits firmly in the middle of the sign of Aquarius (15 degrees 45). Aquarius is the Humanitarian sign personifying the energy that tirelessly works towards cohesion, co-operation and an increasing awareness of the importance of ‘the One’. No one is less important or significant than anyone else. The energy encapsulates the concept of individuality a part of ‘the whole’. Everything we do creates a reaction and consequences that spread outwards from their source like musical sound waves vibrating through the atmosphere. What music is the One making at this moment in time, I wonder?
Aquarius is a masculine Air sign, ruled by Uranus, the rebel, the innovator, the changer and revolutionary. Visualise combat uniform, a beret, a moustache, strength, long hair, un-conventionality! The image is of a man who is never frightened to speak on behalf of others – about injustices imposed on people and the Earth. He answers to no-one except the forces of Justice and Fairness. He is Fixed in quality and can be stubborn in his resolve. The combination of Fixed Air creates broad-minded thinking. He can see clearly what is ‘right’ and works towards it – even if that means disrupting everything around him. He speaks against injustice and cruelty. He seeks a better world. He is innovative, creative. He is inspired to seek new structures based on principles of equality – to clear away what has become irrelevant. Although inwardly ‘a Gentle Giant’ who cares for every living thing, he will create rebellion and act forcefully if the situation demands it. His charisma gathers like-minded people to join him. He overturns obstacles and encourages action in order to achieve change.
This New Moon affects us all on a personal and global level. It whispers loudly about the possibility of a new kind of future – a New Age, in fact. Within the hurricanes around us, we will need to create firm ‘anchors’ – communities, belief systems, practises – whatever is necessary to become our strongest and to nurture our optimism. There is a dryness and tension that surrounds us and a small spark at this time could cause any one of us to erupt into anger, even violence – which may have negative consequences. Well focussed and controlled, that intensity can be constructive. The ‘tinder box situation’ is unlikely to abate completely for a while as radical changes develop over the next two years or so! Our ability to prepare and to be resolved, clear and steady about our purpose becomes very important.
The Cardinal nature of other planets around the Fixed Aquarian energy of the New Moon calls for innovation, initiation and planning before the 4th February (21:03)! We need to visualise, make wishes, firm intentions, plan projects and changes that connect with the humanitarian nature of the energy through the next lunar month. We can help to inject positive energy into the world!
Here are some suggestions that will resonate with the complex astrological influences that are affecting us.
This month, the Aquarian Moon is conjunct Mercury. We’re in a phase of intense conversation and communication. If this contact involves deception or is corrupt, there is no more hiding. There may seem to be more people than usual who are inspired to speak their truth and to express their opinion. It’s easy, given the explosion of the Net, social networks, public forums, live cameras within seats of government etc. Let’s have it all out in the open! Speak your truth! It’s time.
We are all aware of the struggling polarities of Republicans versus Democrats in the US and the Brexit fiasco in the UK. Other countries throughout the world feed into and reflect these struggles and confrontations through differing opinions that are basically founded in the traditional concepts of ‘left’ and ‘right’. Socially, change will be demanded and less politely ‘asked for’ and, therefore, resistance could be fierce and will reveal the greed and power play within ‘capitalism-run-riot’ in all its glory. Jupiter in Sagittarius, sextile the New Moon and square Neptune (Pisces) adds strength and vision to the picture. The New Moon occurs as the conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn moves closer and joins the South Node (past, established structures). We have grown used to authority misusing its power. It will be ‘bigly’ challenged by the square to the conjunction of Uranus and Mars in Aries. Deception, corruption and verbal diarrhoea abound! If only they could become things of the past! These two strong astrological points in the New Moon chart form a strong T Square (Saturn/Pluto opposite the South Node in Cancer). The apex of the T Square may rule! (Uranus conjunct Mars). Mars is at the critical degree of 29 of Aries, as is Uranus from 6th February. Changes are likely to be sudden, unexpected, explosive. Revolution and rebellion perhaps?
The Earth might echo the present political earthquakes with surprisingly strong tension leading to consequential cataclysmic movements. There is little to counteract the inevitability of the astrological scenario that promises global struggle and big changes this month. The Astrology of the next few years shows us knocking at the entrance of a huge shift in attitudes. Let’s open the door!
What could be more positive than a strong Aquarian New Moon to help Humanity change things for the better? The present power structure is being challenged. Here is the catalyst that fires the denouement of the story, whatever that may prove to be. The energy of humanitarianism, compassion, individuality, rebellion and innovation urges that we move constructively, carefully and fairly forward into the future. We strive towards a higher vibration of existence (even though there are those who continue to attempt to build even more walls between us!). Was there ever a more relevant time in history to tear down false concepts of ‘differences’ – to co-operate as One? We choose to go positively forward from this point, sensitively considering the needs of Humanity and of Planet Earth as One, to transform negativity and to respect all beings on Earth – to change things for the better.
We are ONE.
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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