New Moon in Sagittarius 23rd November 22:57 (GMT)
Full Moon in Gemini 8th December
‘Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instance.’
Henry David Thoreau
Love and freedom! Standing conjunct Venus and Mercury and widely trine Chiron in Aries, the New Moon helps us see more clearly who is worthy of compassion in the world and who is not. It might become harder this Lunar Month to turn away from those who are suffering. Perhaps the Cosmos is encouraging subtle and positive changes in attitudes and empathy between people! This New Moon in Sagittarius helps us to perceive a wider view of the world as people exercise their ability to stand in the shoes of others and to see that those perceived and sometimes dismissed as ‘strangers’ are little different from ourselves. We see ourselves and the faces of those we love reflected in the eyes of those who search for nourishment, shelter and security. At this New Moon, we are enabled to see ourselves as part of One Humanity. Humanity is One Love.
This promises to be an interesting and busy month. Old paradigms end and new ones wait to be born. We are adjusting to changing circumstances on a grand scale, whether we are aware of it or not, and have developed broader vision as a result of our experiences. Here is another opportunity for a new beginning. During this moonth, the potency of the influence of the Total Lunar Eclipse that occurred on 8th November continues to make itself felt, driven by the energy of the Sagittarius New Moon and creating widening rings of hope across the surface of the Earth.
A greater clarity of the true nature of our reality is slowly emerging even though we may still sometimes feel as if reality is a jumble of confused dreams that we are waking up from! There are still many issues to work through on both personal and collective levels. The Sagittarius New Moon boosts our determination to break free from revelations offered by Scorpio last month – the energy of which brought even more secrets and antiquated thinking processes out into the open. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, mutably adjustable to shifting circumstances and ruled by expansive Jupiter, bringer of justice, wisdom, courage and freedom. Sagittarius energy is about the freedom to travel, to escape and an ability to understand a wider picture with greater philosophical insight. We may feel an increased sense of adventure and find insights into the nature of some of the structures within which we live, many of which may seem absurd and unhelpful in the cold light of day. We are wakening to the huge variety of new possibilities available to us, examining our sense of fairness, balance, purpose, meaning and what we might be able to offer to the world from here on.
The road ahead may not yet be completely clear but the New Sagittarius Moon gives us an opportunity to collectively break free from the past – starting with our perceptions of ourselves and what we believe we ‘know’. Perhaps we can adjust our beliefs, re-find talents and strengths, reboot and begin new adventures of discovery – even if these journeys remain internal for the time being. The North Node/ South Node axis (simply put SN is where we come from and NN where we are heading), almost halfway in their journeys through Taurus and Scorpio, continue to focus us on the Earth and the practical flow of energies such as finances and energy sources through the world, our values and needs – and the establishment of new directions in which we need to travel to create a positive, collective future for humanity. It seems that, in some ways we are being encouraged to grow up and take our responsibilities to the Earth and each other more seriously. The North Node in Taurus is conjunct Uranus. We see further rebellion and more evidence that the world is rapidly changing – and the importance and significance of every individual’s contribution being vital towards our collective destiny.
BIG DREAMS! Jupiter is trine the New Moon, stationary/direct in Pisces and conjunct Neptune (6 degree orb – not trine to NM). Powerful stuff! Jupiter adds joy, expansion and optimism to the dynamism of this nebulous and rapidly evolving moment. The spotlight shines on the importance and presence of TRUTH, who stands centre stage, loudly demanding a reaction to his undeniable role in this saga. Neptune, beside him, is sextile Pluto – are the changes we experience real? It’s also important to remember the square between Mars and Neptune (exact on 19th) which adds to the lack of decisive or realistic action that takes place this month. We have to question whether Truth – standing there in all his confidence and charisma – is all he seems! Saturn square Uranus and trine Mars hints loudly from stage left that he may not be. Final justice and the denouement of the saga is still to come. Not knowing the complete ‘Shakespearean-esque’ plot yet, we are, nevertheless, given hope that solutions, despite dangers and dramas all around us, will be positive!
The Mutability of this New Moon chart (7 planets in mutable signs – Sun/Moon, Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius, Mars, retrograde in Gemini, Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces) is all about fluidity, change and adjustment – and may make us feel a little like small birds being blown about in a strong autumnal wind. There is movement and change all around us. We may consequently feel directionless, nebulous and completely un-earthed as we are swept out of control – into the sky, through whirlwinds, down towards the Earth. Nothing is still and anything could happen – there are few boundaries and there’s little point in resistance. What a fantastic opportunity this is to develop, out of necessity, our sense of inner peace and the definition of our identities and ambitions. We can learn to earth ourselves in our own reality. We have full control of who we are – if we can only become fully aware of it .
Saturn (Aquarius) and Pluto (27˚ Capricorn) are steadily moving direct, helping us to reach the summit of the mountain, a high, gnarly thing, built from recent changes, obstacles and a variety of shock tactics on behalf of the Universe to help us into ‘waking up and moving on’. Inevitably, the effort of climbing ‘upwards and onwards’, whatever our circumstances, over the last months, could lead us to experience exhaustion. The wind is strong. Explosive releases of tension – not only in emotional outbursts but also in connection with Earth activity could cause clashes, crisis and explosions of anger – and volcanic activity, earthquakes and unexpected weather phenomena that create intense crescendos of activity. We will need to learn to exercise our ‘mutability’ wings and to adjust quickly to the flow of fast-moving changes developing our senses of adventure and curiosity as we travel forwards.
The intentions we make at the start of this New Moon in Sagittarius on 23rd November are crucial. We will cast our nets of wishes and dreams towards the Universe with considered thought, clarity – and the understanding that what they contain encompasses beauty, strength and positive power. We sprinkle them with hope for the future, the clear redefinition of who we are into them and fill them to the brim with the energy of Sagittarius, trusting the Universe to realise our potential. We are breaking free…..
Here are some possibilities to consider as we make our personal intentions:
Affirmation: Whatever further issues come our way this Lunar Moonth, we remember that we are collectively growing in confidence, truth, integrity and in the knowledge that the visualisations we establish now have the potency and intensity to be realised. We are entering a New Era, with a sense of increased hope, light, self-awareness and empowerment.
Here’s to the richness and abundance of our inner worlds and peace both within us and outside of us! Anything is possible…
“The golden age of future comes
That which was dreamed of in the past
Where freedom reigns on minds of peace
Minds rich in wisdom to the last
We are the Children of the Sun
And this is our inheritance
No longer chaos and confusion
But love and laughter, song and dance”
Words from the song, ‘Children of the Sun’ by Nik Turner (August 1940 – November 2022)
One Love….
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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