New Moon in Scorpio – 7th November 16:01 (GMT)
Full Moon in Gemini, 23rd November 05:39 2018
As surely as snakes shed the old and emerge wearing a new skin, occasionally major changes and transformations are necessary when the old becomes worn and no longer useful. We have an opportunity to do this on the New Moon on 7th November this month. It’s time to manifest any treasure that has been hidden until quite recently. Now’s the time to tune in to what we have discovered and to walk forward transformed! It’s not a time to be fearful. We need to acknowledge our own power. It’s time to leave behind anything that doesn’t support our most beautiful, complete and positive selves. We may have been rattled by some difficult truths that have recently bubbled to the surface from the depths of our being. But that’s no reason not to leave negativity behind, and to allow Positivity to emerge from the Dark into the Light.
Scorpio energy is deep, passionate and penetrating. It reaches into places that other ‘energies’ do not attempt to reach! It contains darkness and light, depth and heights, the beauty of passion and the blackest of sadness. It is full of extremes, is intensely emotional and it swirls and boils like water in a deep, sometimes stagnant pool. It hides secrets and sometimes reveals them. It can assist transformation, renew within its depths and ease the processes of death, rebirth and new beginnings. Leaving the past behind and creating a rebirth is rarely painless. It requires faith in the process and trust in the outcomes. However, hope, joy, and clarity of intention can emerge from the transformation. Such is the potential energy of the New Moon in Scorpio on 7th November 2018!
Scorpio is a Feminine Water sign, fixed in quality and ruled by the planet Pluto, the Great Transformer and Lord of Death and Re-Birth. The image is of an old woman who, scaly and snake-like, is about to shed her old skin and emerge as a beautiful and sensual young woman. It may have taken time for her to arrive at this point but, like a butterfly about to break out of a chrysalis, transformation ultimately takes place. She is powerful, intense, purposeful and emotional in her re-emergence because she has faced and acknowledged what she must finally leave behind. Her intuitions are strong. She has the ability to look deeply into both people and situations to find the Truth. Negatively, Scorpio energy can be jealous, angry, wild and vengeful. However, it has the perception needed to constantly change and aspire to become the best she can be.
It’s time to examine our motives for doing what we do and thinking what we think. If we need to change, then so be it. As we make our intentions and form our wishes for the coming month, we need to open to clarity and wisdom within this New Moon, to consider carefully the true nature of our inner selves and how we can manifest that self with determined intention.
Suggested meditation: Create a relaxed space both outside yourself and within. Imagine being encased in an old skin that you need to shed. Visualise the shedding process and your emergence as a renewed, fresh and powerful version of yourself. The discarded skin lays on the ground. What does the ‘new you’ look and feel like? Observe the differences in appearance and energy that shows in the renewed skin – the body language and facial expressions. How will you manifest this rebirth? Here are some suggestions that might help you make your intentions, affirmations and wishes for the coming Lunar Month clear and strong:
Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus all change signs this month. With the Mid-Term elections in the US taking place exactly at the time of the New Moon and reflections of possible conflict from the Universe being obvious, inevitably we need to keep focussed on the fact that, from darkness, comes Light, emerging like a Phoenix from ashes! The ‘Brexit situation’ becomes ever more intense in Britain and fascism continues to develop in Europe and elsewhere in the world. It seems as if the scenario might reach its denouement this month. Democracy itself seems to be in question.
At the moment of the New Moon, the North Node has just passed into Cancer and the South Node into Capricorn. Uranus is exactly square in Aries. Uranus is opposing Venus in Libra. With all that Cardinal energy firing up around the Scorpio New Moon and with Pluto and Saturn also both in Capricorn, there’s every possibility of rebellions and consequential decisive political action between those who are trying to hang on to the present systems being decisively challenged by those whose passions are stimulated to achieve more fairness and equality. Treaties and agreements might be broken but there are possibilities of new and positive initiatives from all sides.
I feel comforted (for once) by the fact that Mercury goes retrograde on 17th, part way between the New Moon in Scorpio and the Full Moon in Gemini! This, although never particularly good for communications, creates an opportunity to slow down and go back over events. The Grand Watery Trine – North Node, Chiron (Pisces) and Jupiter (Scorpio) is also comforting in that it holds the desire and capacity for healing within it. So perhaps, together with Mars in thoughtful Aquarius and Neptune in spiritual and creative Pisces, positive changes within the current climate of global conflicts is possible.
Trust, Hope and Positivity create innovation and humanitarian scenarios that lead to interesting solutions – despite a crescendo of cosmic noise. Here’s to all three, together with a willingness to be open to help from our intuition! The New Moon in Scorpio whispers loudly that the Phoenix can indeed be born from the ashes of the old. Here is a sense of purpose and the power to birth new beginnings through a window of transformational energy, leaving the worse of the past to rot – in a discarded snake skin.
“How can you rise, if you have not burned?” Hiba Fatima Ahmad
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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