New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 25th October 11:49 (BST) 12:00 eclipse
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 8th November
“If we wait for history to present us with freedom and other precious gifts, we risk waiting in vain. History is us – and there is no alternative but to shoulder the burden of what we so passionately desire and to bear it out of the depths.’ Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The Lunar Month begins with New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on 25th October. Imagine that we are embarking on a wild, exciting fairground ride that will take us to some unexpected places! We may alternate between passing through the bowels of the Earth and viewing visions of beauty from the clouds. The ride is designed for us to experience both danger and joy – hope and despair. We will move between scenes of mayhem and joy as we flash by. We’ve probably seen nothing like this before and perhaps we need to experience it in order to learn. Ugly secrets and corruption sometimes will emerge as shadowy, unexpected ghosts around us and then sudden tableaux of love and compassion surprise us with their intensity. As we zoom from light into dark and back again, we hang on to the rails of our fairground car – stunned by the experience and filled with adrenalin. Truth sometimes suddenly appears in human form and stares into our faces. By the end of the ride, we are exhausted, having experienced the best and worst of what humanity, and perhaps the Earth herself, can offer. We may feel shocked – as if our resilience and resourcefulness has been deeply challenged. I’m exaggerating perhaps – but only a little as this Lunar Month is the metaphorical ‘ride’!
There is little superficial that one can say about the chart of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse and the consequential energetic changes presented by it. We need to have courage. Sun, Moon, Venus and the South Node are all in Scorpio. Power surge! Saturn goes direct in Aquarius on 23rd and Pluto (inconjunct Mars and square Mercury) intensifies the dynamic energy. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse is electrically turbo charged and boosted by powerful aspects.
The Scorpio New Moon, this month intensified by the eclipse, brings intense, passionate, powerful, deep and emotionally feisty energy – an important opportunity for a New Beginning. Scorpio is a Water sign, Fixed and ruled by Pluto. It is wild, extreme, jealous, secretive, passionate, obstinate and opinionated. Pluto represents the energy of Death, Rebirth and Transformation. It reveals all that is usually hidden by bringing secrets to the surface and so initiates unavoidable changes. When water is whipped into a frenzy by strong forces of air, earth and fire, as it is now, it takes time to find a level again but we can trust it inevitably will.
Mercury, in Venus-ruled Libra, plays an important role in the New Moon/Eclipse picture (trine Mars and Saturn, inconjunct Neptune and square Pluto). Communication is vital now, if at times quirky and erratic. Venus (conjunct New Moon) seeks balance and harmony above all else but here, she also focusses urgent attention on the basic needs of humanity – those that lead to contentment, harmony and balance such as the flow of money, energy and food supplies. All these issues are in a state of adjustment and rebalance globally, as Pluto, still in Capricorn, continues in his powerful challenge to change the way humanity moves into the future. We are also reminded of the importance of connection with others, community and the need for new structures within which to live (Saturn Aquarius, Mars Gemini trine Mercury and square Neptune). However, we need caution too. Confrontation (Pluto inconjunct Mars) is not advisable. The fairground car could veer out of control and off the track!
Jupiter (inconjunct New Moon/Solar Eclipse), at the beginning of Aries, brings more powerful, purposeful energy, agitating and magnifying our impulses in our search for action and justice. It’s time to clear out all remaining rubbish that has been lurking at the back of drawers so that we can be ready to act without the baggage! Neptune in Pisces has us dreaming of the future and reminds us that we must keep an eye on the needs of ALL of humanity and enables us to consider the spiritual meaning of what we do.
Saturn in Aquarius (trine Mercury and square Uranus/North Node Taurus) brings truth, clarity, a sense of rebellion and the awareness that all decisions made now will affect our collective future! Pluto, newly direct on the 8th, continues in his relentless demolition of old structures over the past years, rattling us all in his pursuit of Death, Rebirth and Transformation. Pluto’s ‘backward / forward’ motions at the end of Capricorn, before he ‘gracefully’ moves forward into Aquarius finally in 2023, seem determined to let no stone remain unturned. All corruptions and ineptitude must be dealt with before he will feel he has truly ‘had his way’.
An eclipse represents a more intense version of the energy of a New Moon and the possibility of massive new beginnings and sudden changes on personal and global levels. We feel their effects in the months leading up to and after they occur. This Scorpio Solar Eclipse is very powerful and intensifies the effect of the last of the recent squares between Saturn and Uranus which occurred early in October (the opposition of the power of the old ‘status quo’ and new ideas involving freedom, fairness and equality). Uranus (conjunct the North Node in Taurus) focusses specifically on money issues and the preservation of the Earth herself. We can expect rebellions and other explosive activity to happen as people confront even more emerging issues and fight either for or against necessary radical changes. Global finance markets and energy supplies will inevitably be shaken up like ice in a giant blender before those changes can take place. We remain in the presence of ‘shaken and stirred’ astrological energies as fierce battles between Old and New paradigms rage on.
We must consider carefully what we intend to manifest during this Lunar Month because of possible far reaching consequences. Here are some ideas and issues to consider:
1: Suggestion for meditation:
2: Issues to consider:
3: Mantra:
This is the birth of a new cycle and the death of the old. Intentions and wishes made now can instigate intense and magical transformations.
Affirmation: We remain centred and balanced in heart energy and we trust in the future. We open clear spaces for love and trust to enter, keeping our nerve and creating our vision of a compassionate world as the fairground ride reaches its zenith. We spread this outwards into the world!
Off we go! We hold the handrail in a strong grip and entertain no fear of losing ourselves on the ride, trusting that whoever/whatever created it, knows what they are doing and that their motivation is positive and loving towards humanity!
‘It’s important to stay positive because Joy comes from the inside, out.’ Jen Proske
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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