Last Christmas post: FRIDAY 20th DECEMBER
New Moon in Leo 28th July 18:55 (BST)
Full Moon in Aquarius 12th August
‘The past has no power over the present moment’ – Eckhart Tolle
The New Moon in Leo, Mercury, the Nodal axis, Saturn, Mars and Uranus are all in fixed signs. As the planets gather in sacred communion around the fire of the Sun, there is a Grand Cross in the heavens. Fixed signs hold steady, confident and persistent in their energy. This is a powerful gathering of chiefs who are set on working towards necessary goals through their interaction. They are immovable in their purpose. Like rabbits momentarily caught within this circle, we catch our breath and are motionless, eyes wide in anticipation – and some fear – before we decide which way to jump. Armed with knowledge of the nature of the energy in which we find ourselves, we will hold our wishes, intentions and dreams close to our hearts as we react to the energy of change.
The New Moon in Leo, trine Jupiter in Aries, sits close to Mercury, also in Leo. Mercury – communication – trine Jupiter/Chiron, holds one corner of the Grand Cross. Saturn, opposite Mercury in Aquarius holds another corner and is square the triple conjunction of Uranus, Mars and the North Node in Taurus opposite the South Node in Scorpio. The voices of the oppressed will, no doubt, be heard loudly this month even though Saturn, being opposite Mercury, might attempt to silence them. Only 3 hours after the moment of New Moon, Jupiter (conjunct Chiron) will turn retrograde until November 23rd when it will be only 6 degrees from Neptune in Pisces and, having gathered some inspirational power, will go direct again. Free speech may have been challenged and decisions may have seemed impossible to resolve but, this moonth, they have to be addressed because the whole world will be aware of them!
The New Moon soaks up the significance and gravitas of the moment, reflecting it powerfully towards us. Leo is a Fire sign, Fixed, ruled by the Sun and represented by the image of a Lion. The energy is heart centred. There is optimism, warmth, creativity, fierceness, courage, power, beauty, expression, dignity – and the potential for decisive, fiery action – all contained within Leo energy. Leo guards his family and will hunt out prey to feed and protect them whenever necessary. Now is the time! Humanity needs nurture. Leo knows exactly when to attack and when to hold back and review. The New Moon being trine Jupiter in Aries just before he turns retrograde, increases the power of the New Moon. It’s as if a magnifying glass is focussing its power onto the surface of the Earth creating a powerful intensity of love, strength and creativity. Surprising events all around us are likely to galvanise us into action. This New Moon demands that we pay attention and respect to events like a charismatic actor would when he first walks onstage. The New Moon in Leo shines with dynamism and potency and contains the potential to stop humanity in its tracks to assess and take a look at the whole picture rather than the details. This could initiate huge shifts and gigantic leaps of change throughout the world.
The triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus and North Node in Taurus (part of the Grand Cross) is a rare event. With us until October, it expresses volatility, agitation and frustration in its placement in Taurus which as an Earth sign seeks stability, nourishment and shelter for all and resists changes. The conjunction brings the possibility of a release of tension and so, consequential change. Situations involving restricted freedom could be explosive as Mars goads events forward encouraging the possibility of violence and force to release the energy. There are many current situations that mirror the last time the conjunction happened in Taurus in 1939/40 when huge changes happened world-wide. There was, as now, widespread unrest and a heat wave that caused spontaneous fires in Australia with tragic consequences. Food supplies and money flow was interrupted and many people found themselves fighting for survival. There were rebellions (the IRA organised sabotage and bombings in England) and in Spain, Franco lead Nationalistic forces, overthrowing the Spanish republic and consequently ruling as a dictator until 1975. There was also a massive earthquake in Chile, causing thousands of deaths. The biggest event was the initiation of World War One which lead to the horrific persecution of the Jews and the death of thousands of soldiers and civilians. Parallel issues and possibilities are happening now around the world and more could develop during the approaching Lunar moonth. As always, the poor and disadvantaged suffer and the rich do what they can to preserve their wealth.
We have an opportunity to make specific choices with this Leo New Moon energy. One choice is between becoming increasingly dissipated and disturbed by world events or seeking within ourselves and developing our own integrity assisted by Leonine strength. If we focus on acting from the stillness, love and truth of our heart centres, we can create our intentions and dreams for the Lunar month clearly and with integrity.
Suggested meditation:
In a quiet space, focus on the silence, peace and love within your heart centre. Taking deep breaths, connect with this energy and allow the feelings you experience to spread throughout your whole body. This next lunar moonth offers an opportunity to practise acting directly from our heart energy. Hold this thought as you consider the following issues:
Events around us will speed up this Lunar moonth and we need to ‘hold on to our hats’! Pluto in Capricorn is sextile Neptune in Pisces. This signifies the possibility of the emergence of new, innovative ideas and inventions. Venus in Cancer squares Jupiter and Chiron, trines the South Node and sextiles the Triple Conjunction, perhaps softening and balancing and injecting a little love, understanding and compassion but, also, bring interruptions to ‘flows’ of all kinds (money, water, the internet, fuel, electricity, supplies). We have no choice but to cope – with the help of Leo – as past structures are constantly under review and newly revealed corruptions contribute towards their breakdown. The true condition of our reality is hitting home and we are having to accept that big changes may be long due. Can humanity adjust?
Bring on the Lion! Integrity and Love will save us! The bird within us is about to take off and to fly, raising us into a wider and more positive perception of possibilities for the future of Humanity. Ho!
“Nothing you can know that isn’t known
Nothing you can see that isn’t shown
Nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be
It’s easy –
All you need is love….”
The Beatles
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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