New Moon in Scorpio – 18th November 11:42 (GMT)
Full Moon in Gemini – 3rd December.
Scorpio is intense and emotional. She passionately wants to dig down to all that stuff that’s been hidden deep in the collective consciousness, to pull it out, wrestle with it, make love to it and to experience the consequential trauma and revelations in a glorious, chaotic confusion of dramatic emotions. When she’s done, she’ll put everything away in clearly labelled boxes. Even though she hasn’t yet dealt with absolutely all of it, she at least knows where everything is. Here is the 2017 New Moon in Scorpio. ‘Madness’ is likely to abound until everything has been revealed and the sound of the last scream has died down. Deal with it :).
The image is of a mature and voluptuous woman – all blood red lipstick and flowing dark hair, velvet and black lace clothes, strong, sensual perfume and flashing eyes. She smiles widely and wildly, seductively offering you a strong, aromatic and sweet liquid. She will get her way. You drink and agree to travel with her throughout the approaching Lunar Month. There was really no choice. She takes your hand. The journey begins.
Scorpio is the Fixed, Water sign, ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation. At the time of this New Moon, she is joined in Scorpio by a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter which will magnify, intensify and expand the passions and emotions of us all. We will become more aware of what has been hidden. She is also quincunx Uranus in Aries, adding fire, a sense of rebellion and even more incentive for radical change to the mix. Volatility surrounds us against a backdrop of meaningful Beauty and Creativity. Interesting times…
As the New Scorpio Moon sets the scene, other significant aspects add to the energy, underlining and expanding the story. Venus trines Neptune in Pisces just two days before the New Moon. Love and idealism colour the mystical and creative backdrop. On 19th, the Sun trines Chiron. The plight of ‘victims’ of every kind throughout the world becomes obvious and their need for assistance urgent. Neptune dictates, however, that things may not be how they first appear to be. Anything could happen. There’s the possibility of tangible magic and inspired insights on the stage, ones that could lead to transformations, healing revelations – or perhaps there will be the sound of more lies, deceits and shocking secrets lurking back stage – all this magnified by Jupiter. Deceptions of a grander scale than ever before might enter, stage right. It’s a riveting, exciting and terrifying Play that we are both acting in and watching on the World Stage.
On a personal level, we have to find our way through this chaotic landscape, treading carefully and using the opportunities that emerge and connect with our own deepest emotions and passions. We may have to face our own personal demons in shapes of Reality and Truth and feel stimulated to have a clear out and to make objective decisions about things we no longer need to carry around. Or will we choose to bury those issues again and to live in a ‘reality’ that might in fact be actually less than truthful? Tempting.
It’s important to mention Saturn within this picture too because, at the moment of the New Moon in Scorpio, he sits very close to the position of the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (26 degrees .22 minutes). Wow! Do we have the courage to open ourselves to a possible inflow of information from the centre of the Galaxy at a time when any surprise, revelation or magic is possible? The Great Teacher stands on the podium, happy to assist in channelling the wisdom of the Universe at a time of a New Moon in Scorpio. I dare you….
Here are some questions and issues to meditate on at this time – as we form our sensitive intentions and wishes for the approaching Lunar Month:
Meditation: I visualise my life’s inner landscape and walk with awareness within it. I am fully protected. I search for where there may be things hidden from me. What do I find and what form do they take? Can I look these dark truths in the face? What are my reactions and what emotions stimulated within me? Can I transform these beings with Light?
NB: Allow yourself to feel the connected emotions and observe your relationship to them. (In conscious state, list what you have encountered and work positively with this until the Full Moon on 3rd December.
This is a crucially important time. The picture on the world ‘stage’ – is volatile. Pluto is quincunx the North Node, highlighting how important it is that leaders make careful and aware decisions regarding the future of those they ‘rule’. Situations are ‘strained’ in many countries and crisis will be triggered by this New Moon. Pluto is square Mars. We are more likely to be prone to violent outbursts and spontaneous, negative responses. Combative and ruthless behaviour could abound! In London, Pluto is on the ascendant of the New Moon moment. This could spark enormous structural change. Please.
The underlying resurgence of Love consciousness supports the necessity for sensitive and progressive thinking. There’s potential for us to instigate the ultimate healing of man’s self-inflicted wounds! However, we can expect resistance, fireworks, rage and intense conflicts of interest. The outcome seems dependent on each individual opening themselves to increased inspiration, personal awareness and the possibility of more innovative structures– particularly those who ‘lead’ us at this time. How likely is this? How much do egos conflict with an awareness of kindness and spirituality?
Dark, hidden negative energy resists being forced into Light. There might inevitability be more knee-jerk posturing and sharp displays of power as leaders struggle with their sense of reason. Many who hang stubbornly on to power should, obviously, let go but the pain of change could be drawn out as long as possible before transformation happens. There is a huge ache in the guts of the world. If we collectively resist, just as when we feel sick, the necessary and inevitable purge will be more painful and traumatic. Optimistically, the bad habits and practises within corrupt administrations could suddenly and completely be eliminated for ever at this time and a new era could begin. Once the poison has been evacuated and flushed away, then Cosmic Magic has space to do its work. Bring it on!
Mercury is trine the North Node. This New Moon contains the secret of a wonderful opportunity to align to a positive Cosmic purpose. We can meditate and imaginatively create a new landscape conducive to reasoned, loving, honest and peaceful conduct as individuals and as ‘global citizens’. There has never been more need to collectively release pain and wounds and to connect with the Divine Presence within the Universe. It’s time to make space for miracles and hope that the Galactic Centre will oblige.
“The appearance of things changes according to the emotions,
and thus we see magic and beauty in them,
while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves.”
Kahlil Gibran
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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