The New Moon is on April 26th at 13:16 (BST).
Here comes the potential for a plethora of potential Joy, Hope, Love, Balance and Beauty! We can celebrate the fact that the creative seeds that we may have planted within ourselves, together with the seeds in the earth outside in nature, are now manifest in the outside world. But Caution! We can’t let our success go to our heads! We must nurture these new, delicate, green growths with full consciousness and be gentle so that we don’t kill them either with kindness or neglect! We need to be aware – but also to take time to enjoy what we have helped to bring into reality!
It’s time for the fullness of Spring. Beauty, abundance and potential are all around us and new beginnings and opportunities abound. The lunar month, beginning at the New Moon in Taurus (starting at approximately 1.15pm) on 27th April urges us to focus in a practical way on all the best things we can think of that will bring us happiness in the future, already present in small, perfect forms that have rooted deeply in the energy of the earth. They are now visible and real. We need to call in Taurus energy in order to attract what we need to sustain us in order that, like nature around us, we, and they, can become the best and most beautiful manifestation possible. The focus of this lunar month is on nurture, nesting, balance, a willingness to work steadily towards a vision of happy personal fulfillment.
The image is of the farmer standing in a field of new, vibrantly green grass – observing everything around her with fresh eyes filled with hope. Each day is clearly longer and warmer than the last. She is aware of the need to nurture life. She is aware of the earth beneath her, the sky above, the fresh air outside and inside her lungs, the warmth radiance from the fire of the Sun, the inter relatedness of all of these and her place within them. She is super aware of both her role within the cycles that are unfolding and of the role she has to play in assisting and enabling. She is determined to nurture the growing plants with water and light and protect them from danger. She will help birth new baby animals and assist in their care. She will use the renewed energy within her to charge, manifest, to stabilise.
Here are some considerations, wishes and intentions to put in place, to consider, to root and to clarify as this the energy of this New Moon begins:
This New Moon in Taurus is widely conjunct Mercury and Uranus (10 and 11 degrees respectively). It is trine the North Node. What is achieved – or not achieved at this time, internationally, is likely to have far reaching consequences. It seems that there are still many individuals at the moment who are out to promote their own values, often at the expense of others’. There is likely to be even more ‘talk’ going on in which everyone is trying to establish their own individuality and point of view, to hang on to idiosyncratic modes of behavior and to express their compulsion to do things ‘their way’.
On the negative side, the New Moon in Taurus could manifest as continuing obstinacy from those in power in the world, a ‘sticking in’ of toes and stalemate situations within which no one is prepared to compromise. Positively, however, even though individuals may be determined to stick to their individual ideals and be determined to ‘get their way’, whatever the consequences, Taurus offers a space within which down to earth sensitivity, generosity and mutual understanding can take place. A little weeding in the vegetable plot needs to be done indeed but there might be found a fertile ground in which to grow creative compromises and down to earth practical solutions! Perhaps all of our inward resolutions could suddenly become firmly and manifest positivity into the world! We can but hope for at least a few pigs to fly – away – and, perhaps, some intelligent, fair minded owls to fly in and replace them. J
The energy of Taurus is earthy and solid. It requires us to work hard. It encourages loyalty to our ‘tribes’, practicality in our intentions – and a sense of community where family values become realistic and grow creatively too. It is a fixed sign, which allows us a stable space where we can put aside our urges for continual activity and movement and focus on ourselves and how we can affect the world both inside and outside us from the vantage point of our own lives. During the passage lunar month beginning in the energy of the New Moon in Taurus, we have time to pause and to concentrate on forming a strong understanding of – and foundation for – what is necessary for our own nurture. Hopefully, then our ideas and projects will grow in harmony with nature around us and will manifest vigorously, strongly and with firm roots.
Perhaps, on one wonderful New Moon in Taurus in the future, humanity will, finally, find ways to ‘feed’ the whole world – rather than continuing the endless trend of inequality where minority groups grab the majority of resources to nurture and feed themselves only. “Heal the World and ‘One Global Family’ might no longer be maligned as unrealistic fantasies and could even manifest in glorious Taurus technicolour! Taurus is about bringing fantastic ideas and wondrous ideals into form, substance and reality. Imagine a world where the environment is nurtured and shared by all of Humanity, where the Plant and Animal worlds are unpolluted and abundant and where everyone has an equal share of what they need. Roll on the ultimate Utopia of the future!
In the meantime, before the run up to the powerful Full Moon in Scorpio that takes place on May 10th, we’ll take time to compose ourselves at the start of this Taurus New Moon, be patient and steady and firmly create our personal intentions towards bountiful love for all, abundance and stability throughout the world.
“Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt and dance like no one is watching.” ~ Randall G Leighton
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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