The New Moon is on December 29th at 06:53.
From lessons learned and the reality of this moment, a sense of responsibility, understanding and humanity, we carefully prepare and build practical new foundations on which to plan for the future!
As a Capricorn, I know that our energy often stays ‘background’ and isn’t obviously visible. In retrospect, the world realises its significance! The New Moon in Capricorn this coming 29th December, sandwiched as it is between Christmas and the New Year, could feasibly pass us by within all the activity of this time of year. It’s time to consider carefully how we want this ‘double dose’ of new beginnings to unfold. It’s important also to be clear on what we choose to leave behind in 2016. We need to use the help of the Capricorn New Moon to organize our plans for 2017, to make our resolutions and to visualize the nature of the structure we want to build during the coming lunar month.
Capricorn energy is to do with building, learning lessons from past and present, planning and tenacity! The image is of a goat, slowly and determinedly climbing up a high mountain. She is determined to reach her goal – the beautiful, green, patch of luscious grass and shrubs she can see on the top. She might find lots of lovely places to rest in with good food to eat on the way. Sometimes she’ll find the path difficult with not much to sustain her but steadily and surely she’ll reach her destination. If she finds the grass there is no better than some she’s eaten on the way, it doesn’t matter! She’ll have gained knowledge and experience on the way and the view is fantastic! Here are some of the energies to contemplate before the New Moon in Capricorn starts to move us forward.
It’s a time for communicating and revealing our new intentions to the outside world. The moment calls for a new ‘mantle’, new image, new body language, new facial expression even, (whether abstract or in reality!). In what manner might this alter the manner in which we ‘go about our business’? It seems as if events have caused everyone’s foundations to be well and truly shaken in 2016! How can we build new and positive foundations from the old?
Uranus goes direct just 3 hours after the moment of New Moon. He challenges us to change and transform (square Pluto). There really is no excuse for us not to start all those projects we’ve been thinking about (maybe even for years). Doing it ‘My Way’ is important even if we risk upsetting other people’s routines by our new ones. We need to communicate how things have changed (Mercury conjunct the New Moon) and they will have to deal with it! Everything in the heavens is encouraging us to ‘get on with it’ and, despite possibly feeling as if we’re emerging from the car wreck of 2016, we have a couple of days before 2017, helped by a Capricorn Moon as it gains momentum, to gird our loins and get used to the restructure before the new energy really kicks in. Whether you do this quietly and privately or while screaming and shouting is up to you!
So, is it ‘all over bar the shouting’ in the world generally? No, none of us could be silly enough to imagine so. With the elections, the invasions, the violence, the huge movement of displaced persons, the revelations and the deadlocks concerning the environment, the reality of the situations between and within countries has become blatantly obvious if we are looking with the serious Saturnian clarity of this New Moon. The mess and confusion is massive (Mars con Neptune in Pisces). Pluto is widely conjunct the New Moon. Transformation alert! The Sagittarius ascendant of the moment here in the UK is conjunct Saturn. The teacher will not let us get away with laziness. He demands that we don’t indulge in false perceptions of bonhomie and that we take on board lessons learned. The New Moon sextile Mars/Neptune and conjunct Mercury, calls for structure, clear intention and positive action to emerge from the chaos. Uranus trine Saturn calls for changes to structure, innovation and rebellion.
We have got, in Britain and the US, what we voted for, albeit by close margins. Those who have always been greedy and cheated on the rest are, mostly, no longer hidden. Those who are disadvantaged are more obviously so. The grip of dogma and prejudice remains uncomfortable for many. The proverbial has well and truly hit the fan. Inevitably, any blinkered intent to look no further than the protection of self-centred lifestyles may become less easy as all of humanity, together with the environment itself, screams for their needs to be met. There is hope in the clarity.
The astrology of this special Capricorn New Moon shouts, “Reality!” With its trine to the North Node and sextile to Neptune, we are forced to state who we are and what we believe in both as individuals and as nations. Jupiter in Libra is still doing his utmost to encourage balance, harmony and justice despite the opposition to Uranus. The need for material sustenance and practical solutions regarding both fuel, resources and damage limitation requires a particularly Capricornian sense of seriousness and planning! We need new blueprints for life on this planet. If moves towards transformation aren’t made voluntarily, the indications are that they’ll be forced by events outside our control. Capricorn tells it and teaches it how it is and at this New Moon, the universe is shouting encouragement from the side lines.
We seem called on to have honourable, fair and reality based intentions. The New Moon is trine the North Node in Virgo calling for the world to ‘sort itself out’ in a practical and sensible way that will benefit everyone. Anything less is no longer likely to work, however hard this may seem to some. Again, that’s hopeful! None of us can control everything that goes on around us but we can all do our bit to work with integrity at this time of Capricorn New Moon. Onwards up the mountain!
TRUST – both frightening and full of potential! We are all going to need a wheelbarrow full as we enter the next month. Anger and Angst caused by both past and present events wastes energy. Capricorn urges us to waste no more time! Yet sometimes, when we leave old stuff behind, it feels as if there’s a gaping hole where it used to be. What next? Who am I? – all that stuff. We can call on the motivation of Mars to kick start positive activity. And where there’s ‘empty space’, there’s also possibilities – space for ‘the Great Spirit’ (whatever you perceive or don’t perceive him/her to be) to come in, illuminate and do some magic!
I wish you an Abundant New Year and Happy Planning for the Future! May your mountain path be gentle and full of green grass!
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol.S
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