New Moon in Taurus 19th May 16:53
Full Moon in Sagittarius 4th June
‘Change is never painful. Only the resistance to change is.’ The Buddha
The New Moon on the 19th is intense. Black Moons are considered strong, even magical, in their potency. Intentions and wishes have every chance of manifesting into reality. Sun, Moon, Uranus, Mercury, North Node and Jupiter are in Taurus, beaming sensual, Earthy energy towards us. We feel, we love, we nurture, we consider our needs. However, strong energies strain at their leashes and are eager for release. We fear ominous whispers, hear magical chanting, grumbling rumours and sudden, chaotic screeches that could threaten our world. Some emerge from deep within our psyches, some from collective consciousness and some from within the Earth herself. They are reflections of cosmic energies. They could appear as black clouds which, should they escape and blunder into the ether, could release hurricane energy, shocking revelations and challenges.
Whatever we wish for at this New Moon, we need to exercise care and discernment because we will be creating our future. Any puffs of clouds around us are likely to have wings to travel – and consequences when they burst into our consciousness. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign, ruled by Venus. It rules our needs and our capacity for love. It can also be pedantic, obstinate and inflexible. This New Moon encourages us to question the wider nature of our security. How can we ensure that every living thing on Earth – plant-life, the two and four leggeds, winged and crawling creatures – is nurtured and safe? We also question how much we are we controlled by others and how much by ourselves? Are those with the power and control to affect us worthy of their roles? We are adjusting to huge vibrational changes as Pluto, moves backwards and forwards between Aquarius and Capricorn and reminds us that we must approach our structure demolition and rebuilding with complete clarity before Pluto, Lord of Power, finally moves into Aquarius.
We are being given a huge opportunity to reboot, yet again, and to re-create our lives on a grand and powerful scale assisted by major, preceding astrological events. On 1st May, Pluto moved stationary retrograde in Aquarius, emphasing the need to re-examine our need for restructure before we move on. On the 5th, the Lunar Eclipse in intense Scorpio indicated the grand finale of a cycle and the beginning of another. On the 9th, the Sun was conjunct Uranus in Taurus (trine on 21st) and we saw groups of people united and motivated to protest against misuse of power and of negligence towards the environment. There is explosive energy around us – and clouds burst everywhere, revealing their contents! Mercury, direct on the 15th, re-boosted energy levels and, a day after the New Moon, Mars enters dynamic and powerful Leo. The Sun ingresses into Gemini on the 21st. We will talk to each other and state our views with ego and emphasis! All this adds to dynamic opportunities to forge new connection and beginnings. It’s an intense Lunar month on many levels underlined by the Scorpio/Taurus Nodal axis – often referred to as the ‘financial axis’. (Naturally sparking communications about the fairness and distribution of money.)
This intense New Moon nevertheless has potential to increase stability and safety for all – but we may also experience strong fears for our safety and concerns about the nature of the structures we presently live within. We will be fired with urges to make changes and yet will struggle against restrictions. We will question our own beliefs and social behaviours, our routines and the rules that are imposed upon us. Perhaps that’s the whole point! We are guided by the Universe to look at the truth of what and whom we are driven by and to develop our individual senses of autonomy, power and control.
New Moon in Taurus reminds us of our need to create global balance and the need to preserve and beautify our world. We look to develop our individual integrity and to adjust our modes of behaviour. Combative behaviours could manifest between us as we soul-search, perhaps leading to us entertaining the idea of changing our judgements. We may begin to understand that, although we all need a degree of predictability, it is easy to become too rigid and insensitive in our perceptions. We seek choice, autonomy and the power to input into the rules that we live by. We need to increase our empathy with others and to develop more respect for each other.
Transiting Jupiter always expands every issue it touches and, conjunct the North Node/Mercury, square Pluto, it underlines the importance of combining Truth with Justice within the energies of Taurus, softening the impact of both. Jupiter brings joy and positivity but we will inevitably experience the effects of some gnarly, over-blown events globally over the next Moonth. Despite their potential magnitude and the adjustments inevitably needed, Neptune, floating through Pisces, sextile the New Moon and trine Mars gives us the courage to dream of conjuring our most creative visions into reality. This is strong astrological alchemy where beliefs might transform in an instant!
Venus (ruler of Taurus) in Cancer, square Chiron in Aries seeks to increase harmony and safety. Chiron represents the wounded, the displaced and victims of all kinds. We identify areas where healing can happen and understanding can grow. We may hopefully start to find more humanitarian solutions to present problems. Innovative ideas develop concerning food production and resources which will be harder to ignore as Artificial Intelligence continues to rapidly develop. We are reminded of the necessity to look at the consequences of our actions and to become more decerning about what we initiate. (eg: the recent concern over efforts to move towards a system of digital currency – do we really want this and its possible consequences?)
Saturn, planet of structure, is in Pisces (until May 2025). We are consequently experiencing indecision and confusion about our responsibilities. Saturn, sextile Mercury / North Node and trine the South Node, is concerned that we move forwards and create new ‘modus operandum’ and encourages innovation and spiritual awareness. At the New Moon, Saturn brings us a chance to manifest our dreams. Interestingly, Uranus sits within the stellium of planets in Taurus – but not closely conjunct any of them. Unaspected planets can take on special significance and, here, we see that protests increase. Pluto, in Uranus’ sign of Aquarius, ensures that any changes instigated could become permanently transformational. Outdated beliefs and practices really do need to be ‘turned on their heads’ and perhaps it really is possible to nurture the whole world, rather than a minority of people!
The South Node sits alone in Scorpio, although obviously opposite the North Node and the crowded sign of Taurus. It holds strong significance, being the handle of the ‘bucket’ of the astrological picture. We obviously need to fully understand the past before we can move forward positively. Have we yet ‘learned our lessons’ or might we still be held back by the legacies left by outdated paradigms and our attachment to them? It seems we need to dig even deeper to fully understand the nature of the changes of gear needed to move purposefully forwards.
We are being forced to look at our own integrity in detail at this New Moon, examining and developing our self-control and compassion towards others and potentially changing our lives for ever. We are under pressure to ‘get this right’ and must make sure the potent energy is reflected in the intentions and wishes we make.
Here are some issues to consider:
Affirmation: I work to create a stronger sense of safety and purpose and am willing to re-adjust my routines. I accept some uncertainty at this New Moon, knowing this phase will end and the confusion of clouds will disappear. I open to the potential contained within this New Moon and will add my own integrity and individuality to the creation of a safer, fairer, more harmonious future for all.
‘You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars… and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.’ Max Ehrmann (Desiderata)
Jaki Miles-Windmill D.F.Astrol,S
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